Hi there folks. I just thought I'd fill you in on my progress. I went cruisin the net and Youtube.
I found the guy with the swiss accent that was recommended by one of the respondents.
As well as local David Jones. \
Once I understood that a linear voltage regulator was essentially a variable resistor I could easily understand why it was getting as hot as it was. My car battery is about 13 volts and I was after 5V so it was essentially dissipating 8V across a resistor.
Given that for more than 50% of the time a switch mode regulator may be virtually switched off its clear that its going to consume less power.
I also found that placing an order for a regulator IC the day after Christmas was not going to end well.
They arrived today and I took no time to replace the linear regulator with my new VR05S05 . No smoke and all is well. its been running now for about 6 hours and its not even warm. Its been 37C here today and I hate to think what it is in the shed.
I measured the voltages across my 8 ohm shunt resistor and at rest the voltage drop was .6V compared to 1.2V with the linear regulator. When the ESP32 was firing up in anger the voltage peaked at .98V lets say 1V compared to 2V
This gives me current consumptions of 75mA at rest to 120mA in anger which compare to the values of 150mA to 250mA. In addition it seems that It is running very cool even when ambient temperatures are high.
As an aside i also found that the case that contains the fence opening mechanism acts like a Faraday cage and the ESP32 signal was not very strong once you got a few metres away from the device.
I've attached an external antenna via an SMA connector that I soldered to the ESP32. Now and I get reception upwards of 120M outside.
Thanks everyone for your assistance on this little project.