Power factor correction

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Good day

How can I calculate the value of the capacitor required to correct the circuits power factor to 1?

Thanks in advance


  • power_factor.png
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Looks easy enough. A PF= 1.0 implies a purely resistive load. If the load is the series inductor and resistor, then:

Zl= 7.0 + j26.39 R

Since it's a parallel connection, you need the equivalent admittance of the load:

Yl= 1/Zl

Yl= 1/(7 + j26.39)= 9.39E-3 - j35.4E-3 A/V

Knowing you have a Bl= -j35.4E-3, you need a Bc= j35.4E-3:

Bc= wC:

C= Bc/w= 35.4E-3/(2pi * 60)= 93.9uF
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