Power-on time delay relay circuit

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New Member
i need a circuit so that when power is applied to it the a relay will close after about 10 secs and stay on. It should be a very simple circuit but i have tried 3 circuits now and none have worked.

cir1 = worked perfectly for a led but outputs a maximum of 5v (not enough to drive a relay)

cir2 = i thought i had it working , but all it does now is outputs 10v straight away there is no delay.

cir 3 = i couldn't get any 2n3053 so i used a 2n2222, when i use a led as an idicator it is very dull until i tap the 47k resistors led with metal and then it brightens (there are no loose connections), so basically it doesnt work either.

can someone please tell me how to get any of these ciruits to work or could someone suggest another circuit to try.

please help


  • untitled2_993.jpg
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Try this circuit...


  • relaydelay_265.gif
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  • relaydelayN.GIF
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the circuit only works when i run it from 2-6 volts, i need it to run from 9v how can i drop the voltage down to around 5 or 6 volts, itried using resistors but it didn't work. cani use zeners or something ??.
i only need ennough current to run the timer circuit and a very small 5cv relay.

is this circuit how i do it, if so what size should the resistor be ??


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