Hello MrAl
Please don't be mad if I didn't use words or phrases properly.
A thought came to my mind after reviewing my last post that I might have used the word 'tedious' improperly. I thought something is tedious means it takes a long time doing it until just now I looked up the word in my dictionary.
Here is how I get the inductor initial curent
voltage source: vS(t)=600sin(wt)=600cos(wt-90°), phasor form
R1=1u Ω
R2=3 Ω
L=7.162m H
w=100∏=314 rad/s, wL=2.2489
first change the voltage source to its Norton current source
iS(t)=vS(t)/R1=600*10^6 cos(wt-90°), phasor form
equivalent resistance R of parallel R1, R2
then the inductor current in phasor form
finally inductor curent iL(t)=266.8cos(wt-180°)
iL(0)=-266.8 amps RMS
And whenever I change any one of R1, R2 or L, I have to repeat that process over again. This is why I said it is "tedious", it "takes a long time" to get the initial current.
Apparantly I need to spend more time learning English and be more careful in choosing words to avoid misunderstanding.
About the initial current, until I read
Maybe it is just -E/wL as an approximation.
suddenly I realize that maybe I should do some analysis
before I actually do the calculation!
Since R1 is quite small, 1u, so the source voltage basicly is all acroee R2 and L, therefore, inductor current = 600/wL = 600/2.2489 = 266.8 approximately. As for the phasor angle, since 600(-90°) is across the inductor, and inductor curent lags voltage by 90 degrees, so it's -180 degrees.
Is the cause to 'micro voltage' the same as the source termianl voltage that appears when the source has a series internal resistance that you once explained to me?
If this still isnt clear we could do a little simulation.
Well, before that, I think I need to understand a little bit, for example, my neighbors and I are connected in series or what? I have completely no ideas about this.
Could you please maybe draw a picture showing conceptually how an electric company supplies electricity to houses? Is it similar to the (1) in my last drawing?
Thank you!