power supply:12V-2.5amps instead of 2amps(explosion?)

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New Member
Hi everybody! I'm not an electronics/electricity expert and need your help with this thing....you see, I lost the power supply for an external harddrive and, although it might show up eventually after I tidy up my apt a bit, would like to buy one in the mean time for I need to access stuff that I have in the drive.
So to the point: the external HDD (the enclousure) shows that its 12 volts and 2 amps.....they have one here in Radio Shack but it's 12 volts and 2.5 amps. Is that a problem? Will it fry my HDD? Also, in the new one you can choose how the polarity is going to go so that's not a problem....only the slightly highr amperage.
What do you think? I reeeeeally reaaally appreciate it if anyone knows! Thanks!!!!!!!
Devices only use as much current (Amps) as they need. If the voltage matches and the polarity is correct a unit with more amps should not be a problem.
Correct, the load determines the actual current drawn not the supply source, the supply source just determines what the maximum current can be, so having a high current rated supply is a good thing.

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