Personally I don't know how those caps are performing compared to other brands.
What i DO know is their esr rating (average d value from 3 separate pcb's to be precise):
C14 : 0,229
C16 : 0,397 (at two of the pcb boards the capacitanse reads > 270 µF)
C21 : 0,294 (same rare deviation as for C16)
C3 : 0,389 (same rare deviation as for C16)
C24 and C34 : 0,012 (very good, but this caps is another type, look like a box rather than the barrel form - don't know the brand)
C26 : 0,078 (probably another brand, it's stamped "(M)" )
C28 : 0,098
That supports Nigels argument of replacing all the caps, at least the 220µF ones.
It is also very possible that C10 have a higher burden than the rest of the caps.