power supply please help

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New Member
please helpme
i am working on a prject (power supply)
it is supply 30 volt dc
..... the out put current is very low less than 0.1mA
so i want to amplifire the current to (3A) please helllllllllllllllllllllp
your not very clear in your post do you already have a unit which from what you say sounds like it needs repairing or your trying to design one from scratch ?
well i suggest asking a teacher how to amplifire current, thats 2/10 for improper english and if you can't communicate then you've no business dealing with technical matter. Of course the OP may no be a native english speaker so is more or less exscusable
Post your schematic of your power supply and someone may be able to help.

Asking a question like this without giving more information is like ringing your car dealer and saying there is a rattling noise in the car - can they tell you what it is ?
Order 29,999 more power supplies like the one you have and connect them in parallel for 3A.

Or maybe you could connect in parallel 30,000 power supplies like the one you have and use it to power a Mosfet that amplifys the one you have.
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