Power Supplys

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New Member

I recently built a stepper motor controller based on Easy to build CNC Mill Stepper Motor and Driver circuits

It originally worked fine with the testing motor i used (**broken link removed**)

But then when i put my new motor on it

(**broken link removed**)

It doesn't work, i have a 12v 2.5 amp supply on this circut and according to the specs they are both 12v 400mA motors, but I'm pretty the problem is that the new motor is drawing to much current maybe.

I have an old pc supply with a 12v+ 15A output, if i use this supply will it work?

Also i have heard a little bit about a constant current source may be required but i cannot for the life of me understand the differance between a constant current source and a voltage regulator since they both seem to use the LM317 ic, i have googled this to death and had no luck.

Many thanks in advanced

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