Powering Led with a lower voltage battery 1.5v for 3.6v LED

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New Member
I know that flashlight leds are run using batteries that would not normally light them. This is made possible by pulsing the LED at an unnoticable frequency right? How can I do this with a diode and capacitor???

Does anyone have a formula I can use to determine Capacitor size for different applications??? Thanks in advance!
You can't. The circuit used to pulse LEDs at %200 + have an ASIC that includes a timer and a driver. If your looking for an extra bright LED they are available. There are also LEDs available that have an optimized timer driver encapsulated in the package.
I am trying boost the ability of my 12 volt power source to power leds in a series. This would work for that app.??? If so where would I find a ASIC?? Thanks for your reply...
stakx2002 said:
I am trying boost the ability of my 12 volt power source to power leds in a series. This would work for that app.??? If so where would I find a ASIC?? Thanks for your reply...

ASIC stands for "Application Specific Intergrated Circuit", you would obviously require one specifically for your purpose - and it's unlikely to be labelled 'ASIC'.

The LT1073 is an IC which is designed for boosting the output from 1.5V batteries, which you could use to feed LED's off a single 1.5V battery.

As you mention you have a 12V supply, there's no need to boost it, 12V is more than enough for LED's, simply wire them in more than one row.
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