PowerSaving Circuit

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New Member
Ei there,

Does anybody have a circuit in order for a household reduce electric bills?

Your help will be appreciated. Thanks.

At the risk of stating the obvious - have you tried the 'off' switch on your appliances? :lol:
You can also save some power by turning electronic gadgets that use standby circuitry - this means you might loose the clock or other settings...
Thirdly, buy only energy saving devices, these new power saving light bulbs are a good example.

But, there's no magic circuit to "reduce" power consumption - its up to you how you use the power.

There used to be available little "diode discs" that were placed at the bottom of an incandescent light socket. The rectified voltage that was fed to the light averaged only half of normal and reduced energy used. But the lights were a very dim-orange colour and flickered. Since the filiament was cooler, it had less resistance so didn't save as much energy as hoped for. If the light gives 90 percent heat and 10 percent light at full voltage, then maybe it gives 68 percent heat and only 2 percent light at half voltage.
Since refrigerators have a powerful motor that consumes power day and night, some people have connected their 'frig to a "power factor controller". Apparently, the poor power factor of the motor makes the utility's power meter record much more power than is true. They say that the power factor controller makes a big reduction on their electricity bill.
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