prank projects.

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hi guys i am frm chennai,india.i wld like some one 2 sugest prank projects which dont involve any coils with circuit diagrams.pls suggest good shops where i can buy projects and meaterials
Well there's always a shock box, basically you use the stungun schematic (On the electronics projects forum), and have the electrodes mounted onto metal plates on each side of the box, and when someone picks it up, "POP!!!" 1000v trough their hands, though you'll probably want to put a resistor on the positive electrode, that way it won't hurt too bad, because if they pick it up with both hands it could pass through the heart and possibly kill them (apparently it only takes 40v directly over the heart to make it stop) or at least take a year off their life, trust me I got hit with 10,000v in the arm and had a burn mark for a week, and I was dizzy for about 5 minutes. I'd suggest a 800-900 Ohm resistor, but do your own experimenting with this one.

Also, I'm currently trying to find a schematic for a feedback generator, what it does is just amplify a signal in a loop with a buffer circut attatched to keep the speaker from blowing. This could possibly be done by mounting a microphone and speaker too close together, I noticed this creates feedback when I put my mic too close to my computer speakers one day, but without a buffer, this would blow in a matter of seconds (4 is all it took to take out my left speaker), because the sound keeps looping and getting a stronger signal each time it passes (roughly every .1 seconds or less).

Another thing you might want to look into is a buzzer, I know it's kinda cheesy and old school, but this can be done very simply by mounting a normally open temporary pushbutton into a small project box, with a mini motor (with a counterweight attatched off center) and 2 watch batteries.

However if you're looking for something a bit more mallicious I think I'd go with something out of the electronics world, because most of the severely mallicious stuff out there is illegal even to own.
40 volts kills?

Nostrafus, the electric chair kills or cooks people to death with voltages of 2kv with current of more than 7000mA, what current do you suppose will be needed to stop a human being's heart at 40 vac ?.
Voltage does not kill !! It's the amps !!

Generaly 24V 1A is actually enough to miss a beat if it flows from hand to hand.
Open the bonnet of your car and pull a plug wire from the spark plug whilst the engine is running. It'll wake you up seriously but not kill you.
You would have experienced 10 000 to 35 000 Volt at +/- 15mA.
Although a strong coffee does the same to me

Hehehehe follow my suggestion at own Risk!

Well, there is a nice old trick with the "hangman" candle.
Just make photosensitive circuit that requires light to turn on
an output (lightbulb). When you bring lighter to "turn on the
light", flame will be seen by hidden sensor and lightbulb will turn on.
Now even after you remove lighter, circuit will still stay on because
sensor will see the illuminated lightbulb. Now if this doesn't impress
anyone, blow at the bulb. Once it swings out of position, photosensor
gets less light and circuit turns off the output and bulb goes dim.
Worked fine for my party back in the old days. I had trouble getting
the photosensor so I removed top of the BC109 transistor to expose
it's guts to the light. It also didn't hurt anyone that time.



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No coils usually means no fun

I'm trying to find a very cool site (darn I didn't bookmark...)
which had tons of crazy experiments including - TINGLETRON!!!
It is basically very simple circuit of only couple of components:
Three resistors for current limiting in series with wirewound
potentiometer. I think they used it for 5mA but don't take my word
for it - I don't want to be responsible for anything regardless if
everyone survives or not!!!
Neutral is connected to the metal box that victim holds by one hand.
The wiper of the pot is connected to the metal cap of the
potentiometer which is used with victims other hand.
The idea is tu turn the pot to the max resistance (smallest current)
and offer to your favourite enemy to try to crank it up SLOOOOWLY.
Put a scale or better yet a miliampmeter so everyone can see the
current and cheer the victim to hurt himself even more.
The whole thing is DIRECTLY connected to 120VAC so be EXTREMLY
(if that helps something...).
Ask survivors to krank the knob back to minimum current position
for the next victim.
prank project


if ever you would try to try to build the STUN GUN, pls be very careful in expermenting with it. where would you try you stun gun if you want to test how strong or effective it is. will you be the first recipient of that SHOCK? you think you can take the shock? that project is already considered as a Defensive Weapon. :twisted:
It's not big deal to try it out. Just go to a park with handfull
of wieners or similar to attract dogs. Avoid big dogs...
Ok here is one with the coil...
Make sure to get nice large coil with thicker wire so that
internal resistance is as low as possible. Expose the coil
ends and wrap each around one thumb. Get nicely sized battery
(large 6V or 4xAA will do fine).
Touch the batery terminals with the thumbs (nothing happens...).
Let go... (OUCH..... what happened?)
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

But how are you going to make 1A flow from hand to hand at 24V?
Ohms law also applicable on this one. The resistance of your body is too high to allow 1A to flow trough it at a voltage as low as 24V.
There has to be a high voltage to allow 1A to flow trough the resistance of your body...
So Its the amps that kill... But you need the voltage to make it flow.
He probebly ment that at a short circuit 1 A flows

And I hate coils most of the times i xperement whith coils i get a shok(that whith the 12V bell was a good one)

I got a transformer that can give out 24 V 60 mA.Wean you hold a half a cm of stripd wire you can slitle fele the tricle in your hand(I dont think it wod fele good if the contacts ware 1 dm2)

Did anyone foch the + and - of a car batrey?(I wonder how it feles)
Someone Electro said:
Did anyone foch the + and - of a car batrey?(I wonder how it feles)

You don't feel anything, it's too low a voltage. I also doubt you can feel 24V either, if you feel a slight 'tickle' it's probably just the tiny mains leakage current through the transformer.
5mA through the heart is enough to make it stop or fibrillate (Ground fault interrupters cut off at 5mA because of this). The resistance of skin is enough to keep lower voltages(less than about 60V) from hurting you. The resitance of the body once the skin is broken (or with some good electrodes) is about 500 Ohms. Which means you could kill yourself with a small battery. That said it does pay to be a bit careful but there is no need to be paranoid and never connect higher voltages in a way that could go though your heart.

If you have a chance get one of those devices that makes you muscles contract with electricity - the ones that claim to burn fat and give you a sixpack - you can zap yourself with a fair degree of safety. Try connecting the electrodes to your upper arm right above your "funny bone". This lets you trigger the nerves there and make your hand close- sorta neat to feel. If you make (or buy) an EMG you can see the signal transmitted through your nerves and measure your nerve conduction velocity(how fast signals travel through your nerves).

Exploding caps are aways fun

When I was around 12 yo I put a LDR with a siren in the fridge, mum draged me by the ear at 2am in the morning to disarm it, lol

Wired the horn on a mates car to a button in the back seat, had him worried for a week becuase the horn would sound and random times and he couldn't locate the fault, until one day we did a tune with the horn and he turned around in the drivers seat, looked at us and said "you b$%&^eds !!!"

Wired a remote control to the storemans door bell at the back of a warehouse I worked at once. Had the storeman camping the door laying in wait for "the sneaky #$%# that kept ringing the bell and running off" hehe that was funny had him going for 6 months.

Made a timer that beeped every 30 mins or so, you just hide it in friends homes it drives them nuts trying to find it.
Dingo, LOL :lol:

I made that Clifford the cricket kit available at Jaycar (Australian) and and got my annoying sister to sleep on the couch. (serves her right !! :twisted: )

Note: Count Down timers make bad joke in a public place. Especially if you wire it to look like a plastic explosive. And getting arrested for it ain't good either...

:lol: Ha Ha!! Man dingo, I had a blast reading those! :lol: PM me if you have any more storys like that can you please? :lol: You had me goin'. The car horn was the best though.
Chilli said:
Voltage does not kill !! It's the amps !!

Generaly 24V 1A is actually enough to miss a beat if it flows from hand to hand.

technically, anything below 50 volts shud not kill u, just give u a shock. also, tha amps has nothin 2 do wit it, itz only the voltage
Voletge dosent kill ! You yust need a high enugh votege to push enugh amps thru your high resistance body! Those picoelectreinc thingis in lightners they produce 10 000 V but whith wery wery wery low curent so you oly feal a slight itc but if you wod have an 100 mA out you wod be ded (at 10 A you shod be nothing more than carbon :lol: )

Anyone ever toced a transformer of a tube radio reciver.It gave me a good demonstration how electrycety gets mad .

How do you make a ptotsensor from a transistor ?
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