Premade Interfaces (Screen+Keys) ??

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New Member
Hey there,

I just had a thought that might save me some time... I have a project coming up that will pretty much require a micro that plugs into a hard to access location and will need a card going upto a screen with a couple of keys the user will interface with.

I have no time to do this screen+keys interface. Has anyone ever seen a such a device that I can buy and then just make sure it matches my hardware ?

What I'm thinking is an LCD, a couple buttons, and SPI or rs232 signals down to my module.

Anyone ?
Rabbit makes single board computer modules with screen and keys. ~450 bucks for the decent one with Ethernet. Mouser sells them - OP7200, OP6800, OP6700.
Oh no no no no no

I need a screen and a couple buttons, no mirco controller.

I already have the micro and its enclosure done, but will have no time to do an LCD module and buttons,
Well...a button is just a couple of buttons taking up two I/O pins and a LCD module is just something you buy...can't you just get those separately?
I'm workin' on one with a 2 pin Serial interface but it's still in early concept stage. I thought it would be handy as an easy interface for even the most modest 8-pin PIC projects.


iso9001 said:
Oh no no no no no

I need a screen and a couple buttons, no mirco controller.

You will need a micro though to decode the keys and control the data on the LCD... Either way your going to need a micro, or did I miss understand you?
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