Basically they are non-repairable, when they fail you're supposed to replace the entire PSU module - and unfortunately, if the magnetron fails, it normally takes out the PSU as well. As a Panasonic warranty service agent I replaced a number of them (both mag and PSU) under warranty, and I always kept the faulty PSU's - as I couldn't bear to throw them away, and with the hope of perhaps repairing them one day?.
However, the company I worked for closed, and pretty well everything was donated to my friend Michael
- including the faulty PSU's.
Funnily enough, the other week I called to see him (we use him as a sub-contractor) and we got talking about the PSU's - as one was on his bench. Apparently, it was one of the ones I'd changed and kept - and Panasonic eventually made repair kits available for repairing them, and at 'reasonable' prices, so bought a load while they still available.
But like I said, Panasonic have now abandoned the idea, it's too expensive, and too unreliable - and all it does it make the oven a bit lighter.