Prob with program

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New Member
Hi i am doing line follower project, now i hav an issue with asm file. Can anyone help me out or giv .hex file directly. Tat will be of great help. I have attached the asm file. Thanks in advance


  • bot-lf.asm
    2.8 KB · Views: 341
Do you mean that you are having issues assembling your code? Or would you rather just have a .hex file that had the programming done for you?
Do you mean that you are having issues assembling your code? Or would you rather just have a .hex file that had the programming done for you?

No actually I need .hex of the .asm code for simulation in Proteus. Is there any method to convert .asm to its equivalent C code? Cos I am not good at AVR assembly.
You don't 'convert' it you compile it. I don't know where you'd get an 8051 compiler. Are you saying this is an Atmel 8051? AVRStudio may compile it if it's an Atmel 8051, never tried I only use AVR's not their 8051 chips. You haven't even mentioned the chip you're programming yet model or any useful information for us to help with.
Atmels 8051 compiler chokes out "undefined opcode" errors galore on that code all on the equ lines, are there any standard header files that go with it?
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