problem in astable simulation with PSpice

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I've simulated this circuit in PSpice. but output is incorrect.
whats wrong?
I used time domain analysis.

(pardon me for probable grammar mistakes.)


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It works correctly in LTSpice; so you may have PSpice set up incorrectly. And your grammar is ok ;-)
thanks alec
I always use PSpice,and don't know what's wrong with this circuit
I never use LTspice, but i think it's easier than PSpice.
thanks alec
I always use PSpice,and don't know what's wrong with this circuit
I never use LTspice, but i think it's easier than PSpice.

I use LTspice, does PSpice have an Initial Condition Directive.???

In LTS , I would set the Initial Condition on Pin2 of the 741, by using .IC (V(pin2)) = 5V Give pin2 a Label Name and use that Name in place of (pin2) in the Directive.

EDIT: I think your pin2 Name is 'A'.? so .IC(V(A))=5V
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