Problem Logging into Chat

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Well-Known Member
G'day Guy's,
Well this is the first time it's happened to me but as soon as I click on the chat button to go into chat I'm in there for like 10 seconds then get logged out. I have tried both in XP and in Ubuntu and the problem is still there in both.

From what I got to see I was logged due to an invalid IP address. Now OK I am on Satellite but as far as the signal goes I just downloaded a 700 meg file in 10 minutes so speed isn't an issue.

Ok I just tried the direct link into chat and the same thing happened.

Got me beat why this is happening.

Regards Bryan
What browser are you using Bryan1? and on what OS?

I've not changed anything with chat and had no other reports of problems..

Hi EM,
The browser I'm using both on XP and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is firefox and I just tried again in chat and was able to post a comment so I'll leave it open and see if the problem is still there.

Regards Bryan

P.S. Nope after editing a typo I found I was logged out again.
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Hi Bryan1, I can see you getting logged out for the IP reason. Do you have any addons or virus protection that blocks referrers or does something to hide your IP?
Hi EM,
I am on the NBN Satellite and a few months I was changed off the Optass sat and back to the IPStar sat. Support did say I was put on a private IP and they would take care of the public IP. Now today is the only time I've had this problem so I'm staying in chat to see how it goes. Atleast it is logging me back into chat after being kicked now. Below is a copy of the chat where I've been booted

(18:33:02) ElectroBot: bryan1 has been logged out (Invalid IP address).
(18:33:02) ElectroBot: bryan1 logs into the Chat.(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 has been logged out (Timeout).(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 logs into the Chat.(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 has been logged out (Timeout).(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 logs into the Chat.(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 has been logged out (Timeout).(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 logs into the Chat.(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 has been logged out (Timeout).(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 logs into the Chat.(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 has been logged out (Timeout).(18:33:07)
ElectroBot: bryan1 logs into the Chat.

It is nice sunny day here so I don't think there are any issues on a clear signal but it could be the lag that is causing the issue. Maybe if you could extend the timeout check to something 2-3 seconds that could be the fix.

Regards Bryan

P.S. Ok been logged now without a dropout for over 2-1/2 hours so looks like all fixed. EM if you want to delete this go ahead mate as I won't mind.
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