problem regarding pic18f4550

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New Member
Hi all

I am using PICDEMFSUSB example in MCHPUSB - generic driver demo folder of MCHPFSUSB framework v2.5a. I am using pic18F4550 for non-microchip board not fo PICDEMFSUSB board.

I want to use pic18F4550 as a data acquisition card.

1) After the ADC has performed conversion and the data is in ADRESL:ADRESH , now HOW TO SEND that data
to the PC? Please explain in detail.

2) Where do i initialize these registers of18f4550 UCFG , UCON and UEPn ?

3) For my application as mentioned, WHat PING - PONG mode do i select?

Does any one of you have done the same as i wanted to do , if you have the PICDEM FS FILE completely edited
and you have also written the routines for ADC and sending its data to the pc in Process IO() then please send me.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Hi Wp100

I read the article of USB DATA ACQUISITION CARD from, the application is developed for the .NET FRAMEWORK , Do you know how we can use LABVIEW instead of .NET FRAMEWORK. keeping the coding of pic18f4550 the same .

Afraid I'm not into that side of things - it was just that I remembered seeing that article which sounded like what you were after.

Sure other members will come in and help you with your questions.
If any other member has gone through the above mentioned link , then tell me has anyone made the usb data acquisition card and communicate it with labview? if so please send me your code of pic18F4550 and labview file.
I dont konow if i understood correctly wht you want but take a look at **broken link removed** project and see if can help you. It is done with the 18F2550 but i think it should work the same way with the 18F4550
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