Problem uploading attachment

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Active Member
Hi ElectroMaster,

For some reasons the forum does not allow me to upload attachment of PNG or GIF. File size is less than 100K. The upload window simply reports "xxxx.gif upload failed" or "xxxx.png upload failed".

I've uploaded a total of 7.87Mb so could it be a 8Mb upload limit?

I've also tried FireFox and IE6 with same result.

I have attempted to duplicate your problem without any luck. Are you still experiencing it?


  • top2oy7.gif
    4.6 KB · Views: 337
I just tried uploading a 6.2K zip file and it just says "uploaded failed".

I can email an image if it helps.

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PNG, GIF and JPG file upload test with Firefox 3.0.4


  • test.PNG
    1.5 KB · Views: 415
  • test.GIF
    1.4 KB · Views: 348
  • test.JPG
    2.8 KB · Views: 341
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I have attempted to duplicate your problem without any luck. Are you still experiencing it?

Yes. Just tried this morning and still cannot upload.

This is what happened exactly. Browser is FFox 3.0.4

1. In post editor, I select "manage attachment"
2. A pop up window opened and I browsed to pick up the file for upload
3. I press UPLOAD button
4. A message "Uploading file(s) - Please wait" appears in the popup window
5. A moment later, at the top of the popup window it said upload file failed.

If I don't pick a file in above step (2) I was promptly reminded that "I have to pick a file to attach" so communication wise everything seems to be in order.

I can confirm that there is router activities on my modem after pressing the UPLOAD button so it seems the file has been sent out to the server but somehow the PHP software then rejected it.

I tried the same operation in a similar forum "All About Circuits" running similar PHP software and I can upload attachment without problem.

I have also sent you a PM on the matter.

Thanks for looking into that.
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The JPG test image is just as fuzzy as the JPG schematics that Noobs post.
I use an IE7 browser.


  • JPG test.JPG
    2.9 KB · Views: 362
Hi ElectroMaster,

Regarding the attachment upload problem a few posts back, I haven't heard from you since and I have no idea if there is still further actions being taken at the moment.

I have also not received any reply from the PM that I sent you.

Can you please advise on this matter?

Today, I tried to upload both a png and a a jpg but is still unable to do so, with the same error.

Note: Other forum members please stop uploading images. You can do it don't necessarily mean others can do it.
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Hai eblc1388,
i had some troubles like not able to save my password at the top right corner. It was how ever working from a separate window crated in the text portion.
After uninstalling ,registry cleaning & re-installing the browser software, it restored back
I clearly follow your note, as it serves no purpose of others proving that they were able.
Similarly the browsers could misbehave at times, I fear.
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Here is one .png file directly posted using "manage attachments" button shown in the additional options below the message box. Ofcourse I use WinXP and Firefox3.0.4.

Ps: I never used external file hosting services. Perhaps the additional options is due one such provider-- i don't really know.


  • pk21-mod-sch.png
    25.4 KB · Views: 416
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I too can't upload attachments. It says missing security token. I am thinking its cause it was my first post so I will try to make some more post where I can fit them in. steve
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This is what I get when I try to upload any file.

**broken link removed**

Could it be the temp directory as in this thread.

hi Mike,
I dont have any problems 'attaching a file', but I cannot paste an image into a text window when I reply.?

I think Bill [BRE] has the same problem.
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Hi Eric,

The 'image' you tried to post has the URL below, surrounded by IMG tags

(put it in CODE tags in the hope it will display)


Yes it did

So it's a doc file, not an image one, and is in a pretty weird directory?.
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Thanks for the feedback.
I had tried an image file into a post, without success, so I wrote a noddy MSWord.doc with a pre-pasted image.

Next time I have to post an 'image' I'll give a try.

The Directory does look weird, a lot more fussy than appeared on my address bar.
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