Problem with 2 Diodes

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New Member
hey guys, i have a burned PCB board that someone asked me to repair..
so after about 2 hours of fixing and repairing most of it, and i found that i have a Diode Bridge that 2 of the Diodes is borken
both of them passing flow for both sides.
so the question is; why is that happen? too much AMP or Voltage, or heat?
what makes cause of that flow issue?
A diode has a set breakdown voltage, which is specified in the diode's datasheet. Breakdown is most often caused by over-voltage, but over-current can cause the diode to overheat and that can also cause it to conduct in both directions.
ok thx for the info. will remember!

so far so good, i replaced 2 diodes, 1 LED and remade new road for electricity paths cuz it all was burned.
works like charm now!
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