Problem with capacitive fuel level sensor..

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i am using an capacitive fuel level sensor which give output as 4 to 20 ma..range signal..i use this sensor for calculate fuel level in an generator.but the problem is when i stop the generator i get some value 'x' ..but when i restart the generator again i get the value more than ('x')previous value..can any body help me what is the problem and how to solve this problem..

Thanks in advance..
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i am using an capacitive fuel level sensor which give output as 4 to 20 ma..range signal
So, it sounds like this is a commercial sensor. Have you contacted the manufacturer?

any chance the level actually increased (tank shrinking when cool, fuel system draining, influence of temperature of fuel density). The fact that the reading is not what you want doesn't mean it is not what the sensor sees.
A faint possibility- if it's a gasoline engine and the tank is metal, you could be getting ignition signals induced into the sensor.
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