Problem with code

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New Member
Im currently trying out kalman's filter but got stuck at the very beginning. I cant even display any angle output by my 5DOF. When

accDegreeY[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 4 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeY[ 1 ] = (accDegreeY[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;

accDegreeZ[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 5 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeZ[ 1 ] = (accDegreeZ[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;

is added, i cant compile it. This means that there is a problem with my declaration but i cant find it. My lcd display can only display positive numbers. As you can see in my code, i randomly put in my gyro and accelerometer to know if it is working. I still have one problem because i dont know how to include math calculations in programs. Examples : sin, cos, tan, arcsin,atan2, square root. Im still new in programming PIC. Help needed. Thank you.

Using this math equation to solve my kalman filter.
A Guide To using IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope Devices) in Embedded Applications. « Starlino Electronics

This is my code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <htc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "lcd.h"


void main ( void )
char LCDString [ 17 ];
unsigned int adcValue[7];
float accDegreeX[ 3 ],accDegreeY[ 3 ],accDegreeZ[ 3 ],gyroRateX[ 3 ],gyroRateY[ 3 ];
unsigned char tmp;

// Initializations

lcd_goto ( 0x00 );
lcd_puts ( "ADC:" );
lcd_goto ( 0x40 );
lcd_puts ( "Degree:" );

PORTB = 0x00;

TRISA = 0xff;
TRISB = 0x00;
ADCON1 = 0xc8;

while ( 1 )
// Body
ADCON0 = 0x81;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 0 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;

ADCON0 = 0x89;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 1 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;

ADCON0 = 0xa1;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 2 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;

ADCON0 = 0xa9;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 3 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;

ADCON0 = 0xb1;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 4 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;

ADCON0 = 0xb9;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 5 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;

gyroRateX[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 0 ]*5.0)/1023;
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = (gyroRateX[ 0 ]-1.5)/0.002;

gyroRateY[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 1 ]*5.0)/1023;
gyroRateY[ 1 ] = (gyroRateY[ 0 ]-1.5)/0.002;

accDegreeX[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 3 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeX[ 1 ] = (accDegreeX[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;

lcd_goto ( 0x05 );
sprintf ( LCDString, "%d ", adcValue[ 0 ] );
lcd_puts ( LCDString );

lcd_goto ( 0x48 );
tmp = ( unsigned char ) gyroRateX[ 1 ];
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = ( gyroRateX[ 1 ] - tmp ) * 10;
lcd_putch ( tmp + '0' );
lcd_putch ( '.' );
tmp = ( unsigned char ) gyroRateX[ 1 ];
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = ( gyroRateX[ 1 ] - tmp ) * 10;
lcd_putch ( tmp + '0' );
tmp = ( unsigned char ) gyroRateX[ 1 ];
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = ( gyroRateX[ 1 ] - tmp ) * 10;
lcd_putch ( tmp + '0' );
lcd_puts ( " G" );
It would help if you posted the compiler error. Also, use code tags so that we can understand the file more easily.
where did you insert
accDegreeY[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 4 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeY[ 1 ] = (accDegreeY[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;

accDegreeZ[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 5 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeZ[ 1 ] = (accDegreeZ[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;

and what is the error message ? Also mention the controller you are using and the version of the compiler.
Im using a MPlab Compiler(PIC16F877A)

This is the error
Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\delay.obj".
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\delay.cce".
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\lcd.obj".
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\lcd.cce".
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\Program1.obj".
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\Program1.cce".
Clean: Deleted file "Program1.cof".
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\Program1.mcs".
Clean: Done.
Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC-Lite\9.50\bin\picl.exe" -C -E"delay.cce" "delay.c" -O"delay.obj" -Zg9 -O -ASMLIST -Q -MPLAB -16F877A
Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC-Lite\9.50\bin\picl.exe" -C -E"lcd.cce" "lcd.c" -O"lcd.obj" -Zg9 -O -ASMLIST -Q -MPLAB -16F877A
Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC-Lite\9.50\bin\picl.exe" -C -E"Program1.cce" "Program1.c" -O"Program1.obj" -Zg9 -O -ASMLIST -Q -MPLAB -16F877A
Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC-Lite\9.50\bin\picl.exe" -E"Program1.lde" "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\delay.obj" "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\lcd.obj" "C:\Users\Tio Pit Sin\Desktop\FYP Programming\Program1.obj" -M"" -O"Program1.cof" -O"Program1.hex" -Q -MPLAB -16F877A
BUILD FAILED: Sat Aug 14 23:21:21 2010

This is the code with accDegreeY and accDegreeZ included. You could easily spot it as my code is short.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <htc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "lcd.h"


void main ( void )
char LCDString [ 17 ];
unsigned int adcValue[7];
float accDegreeX[ 3 ],accDegreeY[ 3 ],accDegreeZ[ 3 ],gyroRateX[ 3 ],gyroRateY[ 3 ];
unsigned char tmp;

// Initializations

lcd_goto ( 0x00 );//Printing ADC: on the top LCD
lcd_puts ( "ADC:" );
lcd_goto ( 0x40 );//Printing Degree: on the bottom LCD
lcd_puts ( "Degree:" );

PORTB = 0x00;

TRISA = 0xff;
TRISB = 0x00;
ADCON1 = 0xc8;//Selecting type of ADC pins

while ( 1 )
// Body
ADCON0 = 0x81;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 0 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;//Getting ADC from RA0(gyroRateX)

ADCON0 = 0x89;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 1 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;//Getting ADC from RA1(gyroRateY)

ADCON0 = 0xa1;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 2 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;//Getting ADC from RA5

ADCON0 = 0xa9;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 3 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;//Getting ADC from RE0(accDegreeX)

ADCON0 = 0xb1;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 4 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;//Getting ADC from RE1(accDegreeY)

ADCON0 = 0xb9;
ADGO = 1;
while ( ADGO )
adcValue [ 5 ] = ( ADRESH << 8 ) | ADRESL;//Getting ADC from RE2(accDegreeZ)

gyroRateX[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 0 ]*5.0)/1023;
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = (gyroRateX[ 0 ]-1.5)/0.002;//Basic calculation to get d/dt for gyroRateX

gyroRateY[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 1 ]*5.0)/1023;
gyroRateY[ 1 ] = (gyroRateY[ 0 ]-1.5)/0.002;//Basic calculation to get d/dt for gyroRateY

accDegreeX[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 3 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeX[ 1 ] = (accDegreeX[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;//Basic calculation to get g for accDegreeX

accDegreeY[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 4 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeY[ 1 ] = (accDegreeY[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;//Basic calculation to get g for accDegreeY

accDegreeZ[ 0 ] = (adcValue[ 5 ]*5.0)/1023;
accDegreeZ[ 1 ] = (accDegreeZ[ 0 ]-1.6)/0.3;//Basic calculation to get g for accDegreeZ

lcd_goto ( 0x05 );
sprintf ( LCDString, "%d ", adcValue[ 0 ] );//Printing random adc taken from and of those five calculated value. I manually change just to make sure it is working.
lcd_puts ( LCDString );

lcd_goto ( 0x48 );
tmp = ( unsigned char ) gyroRateX[ 1 ];
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = ( gyroRateX[ 1 ] - tmp ) * 10;
lcd_putch ( tmp + '0' );
lcd_putch ( '.' );
tmp = ( unsigned char ) gyroRateX[ 1 ];
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = ( gyroRateX[ 1 ] - tmp ) * 10;
lcd_putch ( tmp + '0' );
tmp = ( unsigned char ) gyroRateX[ 1 ];
gyroRateX[ 1 ] = ( gyroRateX[ 1 ] - tmp ) * 10;
lcd_putch ( tmp + '0' );
lcd_puts ( " G" );

Thank you for all your help!
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