problem with compaling (PIC)

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I'm not here to judge you but you should try asking help to the guy that make that program, still even if i whan't i couln't help you, what compiler are you talking about, it's faster if you could give some background on the problem. This is the same thing if you said that you had boughted some radio in some store and that it doesn't works, !!! you must give clues :lol: this is electronics not exoterics and witchcraft how can i guess what is your problem solution if you don't even say what the problem is !

Now now, try giving some background and i'm sure that the others will help too.
I have sony radio tunner in my car. it has option to connect CD Chanhger. when cd changer is connected the AUX-IN starting to work (without cd changer it doesn't work!!! ).
the program just simulate the changer and run AUX_IN without connecting the changer.
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