Problem with crystal for PIC16F876

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I am a final year student in electronic engineering, I have a problem with the oscillation in my circuit, when i want to set the oscialltion frequency using a 4MHz crystal and associate with 2 15pF capacitors.
I don't get any oscillation.
Can anyone help me please
Have you set the config fuses correctly?, if you have then you're probably connecting it wrongly - check my tutorial hardware.
Thank you for your fast reply.
Hmmm, well what do you mean by the config fuses, sorry as I am french we do not really use the same technical vocabulary, is it possible to get the link of your tutorial hardware?
I am using a probe with an oscilloscope to check the crystal, but I finally solve my problem.
It was due to the pp3v program which I am using to load the program into the PIC, the default mode is RC and I didn't change it to Xtal.
Thanks for your help anyway
Be aware that you MUST use a x10 probe when scoping the crystal, a normal x1 probe often stops it.
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