Problem with L298N motor driver

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New Member
Hello All,

I am having a little problem in the l298N driver.

This is what i am doing,

VSS,VS to output of Power regulator(5v)
GND to negative line

En(A) = high // enable motor A h-bridge
Input 1 (for motor A) is high
Input 2 (for motor B) is low

Now the microcontroller is sending correct values but the motor attached doesnt seem to be moving. One output is 4.5v and the other is almost 0.32V attached to 1K resistor, which almost zeros the output.

What can be the problem?

Hello rakan..

you should post a schematic, it's hard to follow...

my first guess is that the problem is around you'r 1k resistor.......? why did you put a resistor on the output?

then, you should connect Vs to your unregulated power source, like 9V or 12V... you don't need Vs to be 5V...

good luck
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