problem with noise generation

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New Member
Hi guys I know I have already asked the question but, I am having problem generating noise source in a practical circuit. According to some advice i recently got, i tried using a zener diode in a reverse biased direction and inputting it to the negative terminal of an op amp while keeping the positive terminal grounded. I did not see any trace of noise source in the oscillloscope. Can anyone tell me whether the process i am applying is wrong and if so whether there are any other ways of doing it? Thanks a lot
Try the same idea with a small signal transistor. You can try 12v to 15v and then reduce the voltage.
We use this idea for Steam Noise for model trains.

Here's the circuit:
**broken link removed**

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Try the same idea with a small signal transistor. You can try 12v to 15v and then reduce the voltage.
We use this idea for Steam Noise for model trains.

I like your old school approach...
Hi thanks for the help, but i am confused about one of the parts of ur schematics. The 8R speaker, what exactly is that? Are there any easier ways of doing this ? I cant use noise components like the one shown by the noise experts, I have to using basic simple electronic components. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
As I mentioned earlier I have to create the source using basic components, which involve restricting myself to my lab components, so is there any simpler way of doing it ? Thanks for the help anyways on da first place
Your circuit is undoubtedly very simple, I am sure I can get all the components in my lab excepting the speaker, any replacement for that ? thanks
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