Problem With PIC16F886 Port Read[URGENT]

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Naren Rover

New Member
Hi Guys.I need help with this Program I'm using PIC16f886 controller
when I press a push Button a LED should blink , the program works fine
the button is connected to pin RB3 and LED to pin RA2.
Problem arises when i set Analog pin
when i enable analog pin AN11 which is in RB4, RB3 is not sensing Button Press.
i have attached the program can someone help me.. thank you

#include <xc.h>
#define BUTTON RB3
#define LED RA2
void main(void)
TRISB=0x18; //setting RB4(AN11),RB3 as inputs
ANSELH=0X08; // enabling Analog pin AN11 pin
// ANSELH=0X00;
// RB3 senses button when analog pin is disabled which is in RB4

Can you sketch your circuit... Have you a pullup resistor on RB3?

Is this simulation only?
Can't help as I don't do Proteus. Hopefully Ian can help you.

Okay!!! I think this is a "Protues" issue... ANSELH bit 4 is selecting RB3 instead of RB4..

I have posted a note on Labcenter, Ettore will answer soon... As a quick fix use ANSELH = 0x10; as they seem to match the port bit by mistake.
Thanks Ian . I got the Correct output , I did in actual Hardware and it was working fine . the problem was with PROTEUS
Just heard back!! There will be a bug fix in the next release.... So Proteus is the guilty party!
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