Problem with the LM566CN

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New Member
Hello Everyone,
in an electronic construction I have to use the IC LM566CN and for that I ordered and received after 2 months 5 pieces of this IC. Before using it I tried it with the test circuit I found in a technical manual of a manufacturer of this IC. But none of the 5 pieces I procured worked. I would like your help in case I make a mistake. Thank you very much.


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I have to use the IC LM566CN and for that I ordered and received after 2 months 5 pieces of this IC.
Where did you order them from?

it I tried it with the test circuit I found in a technical manual of a manufacturer of this IC. But none of the 5 pieces I procured worked.
Did you build the test circuit exactly as shown in the datasheet?
What are you using for the power supply?
How are you testing/measuring the output?

Yes I build the test circuit exactly as shown in the datasheet. For the power I use a power supply 12VDC for max 3A and measure the outputs with a osciloscop. With the power ON the exit 4 has 6VDC and nothing in AC and the exit 3 is 0VDC and 0VAC.

I ordered the IC from a company in China with AliExpress
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From what you say it looks like all the ICs are faulty. Post some pictures of your construction in case one of us can spot an error that you have missed.

I ordered the IC from a company in China with AliExpress

It sounds like they are fake IC's, if you examine them closely (under a microscope) you will probably be able to see that the previous labels were removed, and then reprinted - it's a VERY common criminal practice in China.

Assuming this is a recent purchase?, you can reclaim your money back from Aliexpress.
From what you say it looks like all the ICs are faulty. Post some pictures of your construction in case one of us can spot an error that you have missed.

Τhanks for your message. I will replace the 566 with another IC and adapt it to the electronic circuit.
NEVERMIND. Wrong part number.

LM556s appear to be obsolete. Replacing it with two 555s might be the best answer.
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Thank you for your help. The IC's are probably fake and I will return them via Aliexpress.

They won't want they back - they will just refund your money.

Unfortunately I bought some LM35's for stock, so never used them for a year or so - when I tried, none of them worked - but it was obviously far too late to get a refund.

When I tested them, some were FET's, and some were bi-polar transistors.

So if you're buying parts from China, make sure to test them, don't just put them in stock.
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