Problem with Winpicprog and P16PRO40

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I pulled out the old pic programmer (and shhh, some 18F64) chips.

I can erase and read fine, but can not program the chip.

I get a verify error at 0x000. I will look for the schematics and scope, but figure I would post in the event there is setting I might have missed. I did reset the
power and also try on a couple new PICS from a once new tube.

What are you using for power to the P16PRO40?, the most common problem is a poor PSU - usually using an un-regulated wallwart?.
It is a 14VAC 850ma wart. But I have used it many times before. I can get out the old 386 laptop today and try on there with the old DOS programmer that came with it. Just checked power. 5.01 volts DC at the 7406. Looks fine. I have 13 volts DC on the VPP as well, so both regulators are OK. The board has a bridge and good caps on it as well.

And it read and erases (assuming there is feedback in the protocol to it) and I get the 3fff. PROGRAM flashes, but the VPP and VPP40 stay on. Have not dug out the scope yet, but looks OK.

BTW: The program is nice Nigel. You made it sould like it only did a couple chips. Does all the ones I use and a lot more. I will need ICD2 soon thought I think. But like to get this one back online to play.
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OK, I moved the programmer to an old 386 laptop, man was that dusty. Loaded the program P16PRO, and burned a chip. So programmer is fine, but now I have data in the PIC. Brought back to Win XP machine with winpicprog, did a READ, and 3fff all over.. So not reading either.

I also change BIOS from SLP (standard to enhanced), no change.. Not the print port, I can hook up a printer and it works?
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It generally makes no difference how you set the port, try increasing the programming delay and see if that helps?.
Nigel Goodwin said:
It generally makes no difference how you set the port, try increasing the programming delay and see if that helps?.

I set the delay 10 thru 20. And then went 10 down. Did not do VPP as I was reading, then I tried it with VPP to.

Can you put a longer delay in? I have a 3.1Ghz dual core, it is not that new, but it is pretty fast. Nothing like my machine at work. But it is fast. Maybe it is timing if there is no ACK/NAK from the cheaper old programmer.

I never see VPP and VPP40 go out, but I did on the 386 with the other old DOS program. But I do see the program LED blink.

The delay delay 'should' be processor independent, as it's based on a Windows API which gives mS timing from when Windows first boots up. By 'dual core' do you mean 'dual processor'?, I've no idea how that might affect the Windows API I use?.

I never see VPP and VPP40 go out, but I did on the 386 with the other old DOS program. But I do see the program LED blink.

For programming a PIC you first turn Vpp ON (or Vpp40 for a larger device), then once it's programmed you turn it back OFF. However, if it's not verifying then Vpp or Vpp40 may be left ON.
This is a hyper-treaded CPU, but I turned that off as well. I have the OS set to run at both levels, though I have not had a problem running both. But it was worth a shot.

Yea, it is weird. I see "program" blink. I moveed it to the laptop and it works with an old DOS program. And I read it back, erase, read that, and re-wrote and verified.

Looks like time for the ICD2 huh? But I know the programmer is fine anyway, for a very slow machine with a very old program. Like my chips. hehehe..

If you want to patch up a slower one I will try it. But looks like I need to get another programmer that is in the year 2000..
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Being the PROGRAM LED is blinking, I will assume NT/XP is letting winpicprog write to the port. The delay will go to 20, is that msecs? I will try the icprog tonight. Like to get it working so I can play with the new pics. My floppy is toast and no USB on the 386, so no easy way to move the code to it and burn.
Just to let you know i've tried quite extensively in the past to get this programmer to work on newer machines (A64s) with no luck - so if you do manage i'm interested! I'm on the verge of getting an ICD2 as well though.
Nigel has the source, now the question, will he recompile it for us? hehehe..

Probably timing. And if calling APIs he is not gonna have a lot of control on that (in most cases). I have a dual-core 3.1Ghz Intel and it does not work, my A64 at work will eat this thing for lunch (did not even try it there). I think the computers are just getting too fast. But I would go with timing to the port. Just a guess. I drop it on a 386/DOS laptop and works fine, so not the board.
The timing method I use relies on a Windows API call, which returns the number of milliseconds the computer has been running for - assuming that API still works OK?, the delay 'should' be machine independent?.

However, if you care to give me a nice fast machine I'll look into it
FYI: Winpicprog is running fine with the P16PRO40, forgot to post all is good.

I thought it autodetect picked the programmer, then noticed I can click on the
programmer type, I did not see before..
mramos1 said:
FYI: Winpicprog is running fine with the P16PRO40, forgot to post all is good.

I thought it autodetect picked the programmer, then noticed I can click on the
programmer type, I did not see before..

Good, I'm glad you have it working!.
i have some problem.PIC programmer & WinPicProgrammer. i want program 16f676 but not fount in windo[16f676].pl suges me the letest ver. PIC programmer & WinPicProg

All development of WinPicProg has stopped a fair while back now, the cheap availability of the PICKit2 and clones, plus the dropping of parallel (and serial) ports on modern PC's means it's no longer required.

You might try IC-Prog?, see if that supports the 16F676.

thank u for quick reply
till 29\07\10 [ two month], i was uesd IC-Prog. found some problem .
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