Problems actually "programming"

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New Member
Hello all.

So excited today, unwrapped all the stuff, and loaded the programming (kit 3096 from quasar) to the pc, uploaded the code (.hex), pressed the program button, and up comes this:

Program Error:

Program. address=0000 buffer=2805 device=3FFF


It also comes up with this when I hit the "verify" button

:cry: :cry:
..........also, when I hit the "program configuration bits" button, another error comes up,

Verify Error

Fuses buffer=3D18 device= 3DFF


I dont understand, as, this code built and assembled succesfully in MPLAB

:cry: :cry:
Do you have more than one PIC to try? Could be a fried PIC.

I've had one that, after 2 or 3 successful programmings, would no longer allow me to program it anymore. All of the old code would still run when put back in the circuit, but it just absolutely would not clear nor accept new program. On a side note, it's kind of fun to cut open the plastic and see what's inside.
timothyjackson said:
Program. address=0000 buffer=2805 device=3FFF
This means that it can't detect the target chip. You can imagine all the possible reasons. Firstly, check if the programmer is providing all the correct voltages.

All new chips my friend.
checkmate said:
Firstly, check if the programmer is providing all the correct voltages.

I purchased the recommended power supply unit.

I'm going to return the programmer, and, get a different one. I took the chips to be programmed by a friend; zeeeooopp... both programmed just like that.

Going to return the programmer, and, get a different one.

Thanks for the comments.
You could try using my software with it, WinPicProg includes a helpful hardware screen, where you can manually toggle all the output lines and check the voltages.

You don't mention what spec PC you are using, but Quasar mention problems with fast PC's and WinXP.
Thanks Nigel.

Nigel Goodwin said:
You don't mention what spec PC you are using, but Quasar mention problems with fast PC's and WinXP.

Win 95.

Nigel Goodwin said:
You could try using my software with it, WinPicProg includes a helpful hardware screen, where you can manually toggle all the output lines and check the voltages.

Will download it.

it annoys me so much, I just want to burn these chips and get on with it.
Nigel, do you remeber your IR coding I was modifying to suit my application? (turning on LEDs using IR controller)?

I nipped out this evening to get the chips blown, and, loaded them into seperate prototyping boards to see if they work.


1.) The assmebled transmitter board, the LED's constantly flash at a fast rate., "without" any of the buttons being pressed. (I put in some normal LEDS to see what was happening. note - I forgot to order the BC733, using 2n3904 instead. bc733 arrives tomorrow.

2.) If I replace one of the normal LEDs with an IR one, the normal LED appears to double in brightness, as if, the IR LED is drawing no current i.e. not working

3.) pressing any of the switches does nothing.

4.) Can't test reciever board, as, nothing is transmitted. However, have tried this in optimism.

attached modified asm's in Zipped format. Perhaps My code modification created some errors? Too new to this to spot.

Perhaps my mounting of components on the board is incorrect, but, I'm sure its ok.

Would really appreciate some guidance.
(new programmer in the post tomorrow, so I can re-burn)


    4.4 KB · Views: 186
In the diagram you posted previously I commented that you were using pull-down resistors, instead of pull-up resistors, assuming this is still so, you haven't modified the code to accomodate that change.
Nigel Goodwin said:
In the diagram you posted previously I commented that you were using pull-down resistors, instead of pull-up resistors, assuming this is still so, you haven't modified the code to accomodate that change.

First thing I did, was, wire up the prototyping board according to your pull up resistors. Thats why I'm a bit worried about all these problems existing

The key checking routine is EXTREMELY simple, it checks each pin in turn, and branches if the pin is low - check each pin with a voltmeter, and make sure they are all high.

will get one today.

I don't understand why the LED's (in temporary place of the IR LED for visual checking) are flashing constantly?

(Nigel, if you continue to help to ge this done, i'll send you a case of wine)
....even if i take all the switches off the prototyping board, but, leave the leds and chip, the LED's are flashing at a constant rate. Its like the chip is constantly sending out a BSF BCF, constantly.

timothyjackson said:
....even if i take all the switches off the prototyping board, but, leave the leds and chip, the LED's are flashing at a constant rate. Its like the chip is constantly sending out a BSF BCF, constantly.


I would suggest one of the pins is being held low, as you don't have a meter (yet), try adding a rem (semicolon) to the beginning of the switch test lines - like this:

;		btfss	PORTA,	SW8
;		call	Switch8

Try it first for all eight switches, and confirm it then doesn't flash - then un-rem them a pair of lines at a time until you find the one which is triggering the button press.
check each pin with a voltmeter, and make sure they are all high.

got a meter. First time used one. Checked each pin on the chip (which is an input from a swtich) against the ground, all are low (i.e. no voltage at all).

Did the "rem"ing on all switch test code pairs. This cancelled out the flashing.

Un"rem"ed them pair by pair (e.g. below), and discovered that each individual pair, when un"rem"ed, flashes the leds. they all flash the led. again, at this stage the switches themselves are not even connected to the chip.

btfss PORTA, SW1
call Switch1
;btfss PORTA, SW2
;call Switch2
;btfss PORTA, SW3
;call Switch3
;btfss PORTA, SW4
;call Switch4
;btfss PORTA, SW5
;call Switch5
;btfss PORTA, SW6
;call Switch6
;btfss PORTA, SW7
;call Switch7
;btfss PORTA, SW8
;call Switch8
call Delay27
goto Read_Sw
timothyjackson said:
Un"rem"ed them pair by pair (e.g. below), and discovered that each individual pair, when un"rem"ed, flashes the leds. they all flash the led. again, at this stage the switches themselves are not even connected to the chip.

This sounds very much like the pull-ups aren't 'pulling up', are you sure you have them connected correctly, from the PortA pins to the +ve supply rail?.
Nigel Goodwin said:
This sounds very much like the pull-ups aren't 'pulling up', are you sure you have them connected correctly, from the PortA pins to the +ve supply rail?.

The switches aren't connected to the chip yet, just to prove that the chip flashes the leds for some reason, constantly.

Pity I don't have a camera. For each switch, there is a wire from the -ve, to the switch, and, a wire from the switch to the +ve. In between the switch and the +ve wire, a wire goes to an RA pin on the chip.

Even with the switches not connected, the LED still flashes on it own?

OK, the transmitter now pulses alot "only" when a button is pressed. I was stupid with my prototyping board layout.

Now, when a button is pressed, (one of the leds is an LED, the other, an IR LED) the led flashes like crazy.

However, when pointing it at the reciver, it doesn;t work, i.e. none of the LED's which connect to portb light up when any of the transmitter buttons are pressed. will continue slogging through problem solving, but would appreciate some goodwinn genius guidance.
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