Problems with 7-Segment LED counter. Need HELP!

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The main objective is create an 7-Segment LED counter, that will count all the signals going from the circuits, all signals are analog from 5v to 9v. For example, we have two servo motors and each time then motor are activated the counter must add 1. The problem as power supply for servo motor we are using 9v (6 batteries x 1.5 Volts). For the designed circuit we need 5v. I have created voltage divider that gives me 5v from 9v. But the circuit gives an errors during simulations. Maybe someone can help me to solve the problem in the circuit? Or maybe you have any other ideas how to down voltage rate from 9V to 5V? Or any other ideas about the circuit?

In the attachment i add two MultiSim circuits, one is without voltage divider another with it.
Thank you in advance.


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I can't read your circuit. Post the circuit diagram.

An LM317 regulator is an easy way to convert the 9V to 5V.

just reading your post I stumbled over a very important detail:

How do you want to keep a reference voltage stable if you use the voltage source to supply a motor?

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