Problems with PIC16F84A

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New Member
Hi to all, i'm using PIC16F84A for my project on robots. However, when i tried to program it with a program i wrote it shows me this.

Program Memory or EEPROM Data is protected. Reprogram
the entire part. If "Auto select memory areas and range"
on the Memory Ranges tab of the programmer settings
is enabled, it must be disabeled before proceeding.

As i m new to all the PIC and assembly language area, and my advisor is on long term vacation i have no needs of seeking help other then here. Please advice me on what i can do to solve this problem. Thanks alot.
It happened because someone has configured the PIC with "code protection" option enabled. This is a config setting that lock the PIC to prevent other people trying to read out the code or data.

All you need to do first is to bulk erase the PIC. Some programming software will do that for you automatically as a selectable option but some require manual selection.

Check the pulldown menu selection or on screen command buttons for one that does "Erase" or "Erase PIC".
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