Problems with PIC16F877A EEPROM usage...

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Currently Im using PIC16F877A to construct a pin number lock....

My objective is that I need to save a 6-digits password into the PIC EEPROM so that when the whole circuit is OFF, the password still remain saved in the PIC...

I dont know how to use the EEPROM function in C programming....

Hope everyone can help me here... thanks...

below is the flow chart for your reference that what I need to do...


  • flowchart.JPG
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chunei said:
I dont know how to use the EEPROM function in C programming....
Chapter 3 of the datasheet has what you need. There are step by step instructions for how to read and write to EEPROM. Even has example asm code that you can use to help you write your C code.

There is info in that chapter on how to write to flash as well.

While you're at Microchip's site, the midrange manual has a section on EEPROM, and I'd bet that if you dig through their App Notes you'd probably find more info there.
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