Problems with programming (aka Why are you doing this to me?!)

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I finally managed to get my program working 100% (in simulator, death slow) and I decided to move it to PIC.

Till now I only programmed 16f84a and my JDM programmer with IC-prog did that perfectly, but not any more.

I tried changing MCLR to normal (I use it as input), changing CP, changing time delays, but nothing helps, it keeps giving me error while verifying 'verify failed at adress 0000h'.

If anyone knows what else can I try and also I decided to go with PicKit 2, can someone give some impressions about PicKit 2.

I Hate JDM-s!! Never semed to work on my computer.
U could make a RCD programer.
Here's the link: **broken link removed**
I replaced the 10K pot with a fixed resistor. Works OK with 12f629/675/683, 16f628A. Never tried it with a 16f84 (I don't use the chip)..u might want to use a pot or put a 8K2 resistor instead of 10K.
I can buy a Pickit 2 from a retailer at ~40$.
It is relatively easy to use.
It is a programmer and an in target debugger.
It uses USB2 so it is fast.
It can power your target from the USB.
With an easy to build adapter you can program serial EEPROMs.
It has good software.

Bill's Pickit2 clone the JuneBug kit is a good choice. It has an on board
18F1320 target that lets you play with switches, multiplexed LEDs, IR communication, and LCDs. The JuneBug has a 2x5 ICSP header which I have come to like. 10 conductor ribbon cable with 2x5 IDC connectors are easy to make.

Because it is a kit, if it ever breaks you can fix it.

You should be happy with either a Pickit2 or a JuneBug.
I like the JuneBug.
Thanks 3V0, I too have both a PICkit 2 and Junebug
I use the Junebug so I can practice my C18 skills (1%) with it.

As for the RCD, IMO it's not going to work any better and possibly worse than a JDM. At least the JDM puts a transistor or two in the design and what are D1 - D4 used for? Those inputs are already diode clamped inside the PIC. You'll also need a serial port with >13V swings just to make the 13V zener conduct, this is not always the case with laptop or USB serial ports (some are only 5V)
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RCD programmer schematic
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I found out that there is no PicKit 2 in my country, and it will take a while until I get it. JuneBug and any other kit is not really available here.

So for quick solution I'm going to build P16PRO. I'm done with RS232, although RCD Programmer looks very alluring, due to simple design.

EDIT: After blueroomelectronics comment, I'm going with P16PRO (until my PicKit 2), I don't want to waste more time.
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If you really just want a basic programmer then use a PIC that supports LVP like the 16F628 (you pull PGM to GND) you also lose that pin for your projects as it has to stay at GND for the PIC to run)
More info on Lothar Stolz's site (just 4 resistors)
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I will also recommend the Junebug. If you are going to build something while you wait for a PK2/Junebug, this should work as it has a separate power supply for Vpp.

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P.S. As Bill pointed out, the 4 diodes in the middle aren't needed.
Yes Pommie,
your mod is really nice and no more using derived power. and a simple mod.

How do you feel about BT Kelley mod of JDM called JDM B and FENG3 had given a layout for it.
mvs sarma said:
Yes Pommie,
your mod is really nice and no more using derived power. and a simple mod.

It isn't my mod, it's from this page. This is also a very good page for anyone with programming problems.

3v0 said:
It uses USB2 so it is fast.

Why would it be any faster?, the programming speed is limited by how fast the target chip can program the data, not by any connection. A Tait style parallel port programmer, or a 'serial' port JDM style programmer run at maximum speed directly from the port to the target chip. The only speed limitation (apart from the target device) is the software you use.
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