Processors in Space

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Bit of topic I suppose, but curious as to what type of micro processors they would use in satellites, where reliability is critical. Pics, Avr or some specialized military processors?
They have to use radiation resistance materials in space, you can't just send standard electronics hardware into space for very long without effect from cosmic radiation and the other stuff the atmosphere usually filters out. Ionizing radiation is actually one of the methods used to create some modern semi conductor materials, applying more ionizing radiation even something safe for human tissue may not be safe for them, so shielding is an issues as well. It's actually a field of study in and of itself. Google for Radiation hardened processors.
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Seems there is a few mfg that supply the industry with these Radiation Hardened processors. Interesting that some supply processors that are relatively weak in processing power, but I suppose the R&D time needed is why.
It's more along the lines because the semi conductors they're made out of can't be affected by radiation, as I said exposure to ionizing radiation (ion implantation) is actually one method used for modern micro processor manufacturing, these methods can't be used in radiation hardened designs, you have to use manufacturing methods often many years older that don't have all the benefits of modern processes.

Space is orders of magnitude more difficult to exist in than most people think. On some of the first orbits man took into space flashes of light were noticed, it took a while to figure out but cosmic radiation entering the eye actually excited the eyes receptors to pick up bursts of light.

If it can do that to the human eye, what do you think it can do to the delicate matrix in modern cmos device? A single photon generated at the wrong time can lead to total system failure, at least in the long term.
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Bit of topic I suppose, but curious as to what type of micro processors they would use in satellites, where reliability is critical. Pics, Avr or some specialized military processors?

Generally they tend to use older (tried and teasted) processors, historically the RCA COSMAC CMOS 1802 was the first to be used, for a number of reasons, including it's sturdy construction wich made it more radiation proof.
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