Producing negative or positive ions

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New Member
Good day folks!
I am seeking advice from the forum users here on a particular project of mine and am hoping someone here can direct me to an existing thread or give me some guidance on this topic.
I need to produce a huge volume of negative ions from one of those small electronics kits you can buy and solder the diodes and resistors in place. What I am wondering is, since ions will be produced from any sharp points, that being the small needles soldered at the end of the circuit, can a person solder a connecting copper wire which extends to a bundle of needles, their back ends having been dipped in a puddle of solder to make one mass, say 50-75 and have ions produced from all the sharp points rather than just one point being soldered onto the circuit?
I know my question probably reveals my lack of experience on the subject, and yes you're right, hence I have come to a spot where the more learned and experienced on the subject may be willing to educate a luddite such as myself.

This isn't for a health type experiment using negative ions, it has more to do with producing an ion wind with massive volumes of ions in one tube, although my full explanation would bore some and make others laugh.
But, despite that, is there anyone willing to indulge my inexperience and allow me the benefit of their wisdom?
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