Program 16F877A using PicBasic Pro

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New Member
Hi all,

I'm a mechanical engineering student, but I need to build a small and simple controler for my project. I'm been asking around, and I finally ended up with the 16F877A. (It's a long story, but I don't want to waste you time).


- Chip 16F877A
- PicBasic Pro

To get started, I just one to write a program for this chip that blink a LED using Picbasic Pro.

This is what I wrote (with the help from friend)

'blinking led
define ocs 20
'declare vars
led_1 Var PORTB.7
HIGH led_1
PAUSE 1000
LOW led_1
PAUSE 1000
GOTO main


I don't know why it's not working.

Please help me.

Thanks a million.
1)Check the fuses. WDT should be off.
2)Check for the crystal setting. choose HS if you are using crystals above 4 MHz.
3)Check the hardware. Check the LED connections.
4)Post your schematic
I use MicroCode Studio - Pic Basic Pro; not sure the version.
My programer is a DIY - K150.

I've been using these to work with 16F88 for a year. It works fine.
WDT is off
Oscillator is HS

However, before programing, this is what I notice

ROM = Not erased
EEPROM = Erased
ID = Erased
Fuse = Not Erased

is that normal ?

In the circuit, I setup two more leds at two different ports to try instead of PortB.7; nothing lights up


  • IMG_0870.JPG
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Before, I didn't need any crystal for my 16F88; I just needed these two lines

define ocs 8
osccon.4=1 : osccon.5=1 : osccon.6=1

I thought this would do for the 16F877A.

Ok, I'll put the crystal in, and report the problem.

Thanks for your help.
sll said:
Before, I didn't need any crystal for my 16F88; I just needed these two lines

define ocs 8
osccon.4=1 : osccon.5=1 : osccon.6=1

I thought this would do for the 16F877A.

Ok, I'll put the crystal in, and report the problem.

Thanks for your help.

You'll be happy to know the 16F887 has the built in oscillator and is a modern version of the 16F877A
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