program creation

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As many of you know, I've put some LED's in the headliner of my car. 62 to be exact, and I'm using 8 8-bit shift registers with ULN2803's (transistor arrays) for the high current need for each led.
I'm planning on using a pic and a keypad to control different patterns, music reponse, ect.
problem is, I've never programed a pic before. I've taken some computer programming courses, so I know how to write programs for C and C++. But writing the code isn't my problem yet (I know about Nigel's tutorials too :wink: ), I'm still trying to figure out what I want the pic to do. What's a good starting point? (I already have a good idea of what I'm looking for in my head, I just need a good way of getting down onto paper).

Only thing I can think of is drawing out a finite state machine. Is there any software (free?) that would draw this out for me? because I know I'll forget some states in the middle somewhere and it'll get pretty messy.
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