programmer circuit diagram for pic16f84

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New Member
I need the schematic ciruit for the programmer of pic16f84 so that i can program my pic..
can anyone help me?!
4electros said:
I need the schematic ciruit for the programmer of pic16f84 so that i can program my pic..
can anyone help me?!

There are a great many available, check my site below for some of them.

You might also consider using google and searching for yourself!.

You should also be aware that the 16F84 has effectively being obselete for many years, it was replaced by the cheaper, higher spec, 16F628 a LONG time ago - and you shouldn't really be buying 16F84's!.

thanks my friend for this explanation, i need to handle pic16f84 just now cause i'm really new to microcontroller and on the other hand i'm cofused about pic cause i don't know how to begin and how to handle this suject with a good manner .

i need your advices , could you advice me?!

i have a sugestion for u

visit this site & you wil find something special:

**broken link removed**

just see it i adore this KIT


see u

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
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