Programmer i am building.

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I would suggest building the Inchworm+. It will fix all problems for ever in one go.

I had SO MUCH of trouble getting the David Tait type parrallel programmer to finally work. And when it finally did, computers quit having parrallel ports.

I had such a nice experience with the Inchworm+. Ofcource it takes more components and time especially since I built it on a breadboard. But it worked almost on the first try. And being able to compile and burn from a single tool, the standard one (MPLAB) really makes things look straightforward. well worth the try.

Hi what is INCHWORM + is it a programmer? Can you send me a link that I can build it on a VERO BOARD?

Suraj143 said:
Hi what is INCHWORM + is it a programmer? Can you send me a link that I can build it on a VERO BOARD?


Try looking at the post at the top of the list in this forum.

Suraj143 said:
Hi what is INCHWORM + is it a programmer? Can you send me a link that I can build it on a VERO BOARD?


**broken link removed**

Yes you can build it on a veroboard. Presently I have fabricated it on a breadboard and I will also build it on a veroboard next when I get time.
Suraj143 said:
Hi what is INCHWORM + is it a programmer? Can you send me a link that I can build it on a VERO BOARD?
It is a programer. It is also a debugger. Works similar to JTAG. It is one step up from a ROM monitor debugger and less then a processor emulator box.

The inchworm(+) can be built from scratch or kit. The kit or a bare PCB can be had from dipmicro. It is a good chice if you need help in that several people on this forum are familar with the inchworm.

The inchworm is based on the development of **broken link removed**
**broken link removed** has PCB artwork and some hand holding for a Stolz like ICD2.
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**** it, Im just going to make my life easier and buy the Inchworm+
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