Programmer Needed PIC12f683

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New Member
Hi members
I have a project that requires programming of a pic 12f683

It is to drive a speaker at 30 second intervals at a certian pitch

I have schematics for the cirquit but i can not figure out the programming if anyone can help i would be happy to discuss payment via Paypal or similiar method .

Kind Regards
Daniel H

I am very new to microchips and this forum if i have made a mistake posting please let me no thank you all.
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Sure, I have no morals.

Can you be more specific with what your program should do? You'll also have to include the schematic.
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Thanks for your reply dougy83

What i need from the program is to generate a tone for 5 sec then off for 30 sec and to repeat this until switched off. The part i cant figure out is how to generate the tone frequency i need. I will attach the image i made for the pcb layout.


  • pcb1.jpg
    56 KB · Views: 377
In the present schematic, the transistor is to fail.
There is no limiting resistor for the base current. Better to have a 4k7 or some value from port pin to base
You'll need a cap or two to filter & decouple the power supply. What frequency do you want to generate?

I was hoping to be able to adjust the frequency within the program so i can fine tune the tone but a starting point would be a pattern of osc 500Hz and a freq of 2.3kHz

In the present schematic, the transistor is to fail.
There is no limiting resistor for the base current. Better to have a 4k7 or some value from port pin to base
Unlikely. If the transistor is to fail, it will be because it's left on for too long; not due to the base current.

As for your program, have a look at PICBASIC Programming — Evolved | Proton Development Suite and try the proton+ picbasic compiler. It's very simple and quick to use. As an alternative, there's BoostBasic from SourceBoost Technologies (I haven't used this one). Both basic compilers have a free version that is fine for small programs.

The language is also very easy to program in: it's almost like writing in english.
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Thanks dougy83
I still dont beleive that i can make the program my self if you are interested in developing the code i am very serious about paying for it. If i had code to start with then edit i would be fine but i have no knowledge in code.

Thanks for your reply guys i hope someone will be able to help me
If i am correct that you are a student,
at the student level you would be able to do it in a time frame of 10 to 15 days of serious learning. perhaps don't expect others to write your software even by payment, as it wont help you in reality.
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If i am correct that you are a student,
at the student level you would be able to do it in a time frame of 10 to 15 days of serious learning. perhaps don't expect others to write your software even by payment, as it wont help you in reality.

For the second time i am not a student if you cant help me then please tell me were i can go for help.
OK. Programming done. How much is it worth?

I was thinking something like 2x Chickens or a Goat:
**broken link removed**

Post the receipt, and I'll post the code
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Why is this any different then MrDeb's deer chaser. Check out his posting.
There is a 12F683 simulator on Oshonsofts site, they even have a BASIC compiler for it.

What's the purpose of the device?
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The difference with this and the dear chaser is that this is using a 12 (actually 16) series chip. I just had a quick play with boostc and this produces a frequency of 1200Hz on the CCP1 output.
#include <system.h>
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 4000000

#define Freq 1200                   //frequency in Hz
#define Cycles 1000000/Freq/2       //cycles for half period

volatile int ccpr1 @CCPR1L;
volatile int tmr1 @TMR1L;

void main(){ 
unsigned int count;
    trisio = 0b11111011;                //GP2 output
    t1con=1;                            //timer 1 on
    ccp1con=0b1000;                     //compare mode set output
    count=0;                            //init count
    while(1){                           //loop forever
        ccpr1=count;                    //set compare = count
        count+=Cycles;                  //calc next count
        while(!pir1.CCP1IF);            //wait for match
        pir1.CCP1IF=0;                  //clear bit
        ccp1con^=1;                     //toggle CCP mode
To make it pulsed would be really simple.

Edit, above is untested.
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