Programmers and In circuit debuggers...

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New Member

I was wondering, does any one knows a total software solution to be able to incircuit debug and to program in basic??? (or just to give it the asm file...)

offcourse a including a serial ICD2 way..??


I was wondering, does any one knows a total software solution to be able to incircuit debug and to program in basic??? (or just to give it the asm file...)

offcourse a including a serial ICD2 way..??


Dood tell me what u want to make actually...i have made an develop ment board which is working fine for my projects..
**broken link removed**

i need an good explanation of u r project...
i'm just searching for a good debugger..nothin more, nothing less i want to be able to use ICD2 functions...

so i can see whats going on in the chip..

My project is a huge one.

I want to digitialize my car totally..

soow if a lamp fails my pic sends me a message..


if u want to use ICD2 then you should buy an ICD2. or you could buy an ICD2 clone from **broken link removed**


seems promiseing..

i buy that piece and connect the conector to my demo board.

then i program whit MB-LAB via the same conector my target pic right??

and then i can start debugging right??

samcheetach says
if u want to use ICD2 then you should buy an ICD2. or you could buy an ICD2 clone from **broken link removed**

So TKS needs an a good incircuit programing and development board...i think ..this is much better..
**broken link removed**

Actually i dont buy circuits..heheh i built ones. and i have built my own pic development board which is very easy for me..
**broken link removed**

if u need more let me know
Naahh the second is a bit tooo big. i mean its to much..

i think will study it tomorrow a bit more...

no don't like it its more for playing...

i just need a add-on idea.

i already own the programmer and thats a good one.

But i need a ICD2 thing i need the beautiful will be a combination of it whit a basic compiler..

soow that you get a Visual Basic Studio idea...

whit yellow en black spots where to stop and the code scrolling whit you.

the basic compiler genererates a asm file (logically) soow maybe its possible whit MBLAB????

Try this web site, If you click on the link, it take
you some place else. You'll have to type it in the adress bar
They got a package for pic's and basic with a great ICD
(In Curcuit Debugger).
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