programmin by microcontrollers

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could somebdy suggest me hw to program a camera such dat it clicks an image when an specific temperature is sensed by temperature sensor is it possible to pgm usin microcontrollers or gotta use some other pgmmin language..?? or are der any embedded systems available of d above mentioned specification..?
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I would suggest using a simple comparator circuit with the output connected to the shutter switch via a transistor. Are you willing to "hack" the camera (take it apart and replace the switch with a transistor)?
I would agree with DerStorm and just use a simple comparator circuit along with likely a thermistor for the temperature sensor. Both of my present cameras allow for simple shutter release so for me that would not be a problem, however, as mentioned, if that option is not available on the camera a little hacking may be in order. Also would you want shutter release when the temperature increased to a set point or decreased to a set point?

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