programming a 16f88 using JAL

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New Member
I am a Linux user, struggling at the limits of my technical abilities. I'm hoping someone or two here will think my problem trivial.

I have a Tait style home built parallel port programmer (a2d 7406), a bunch of 16F88s, Linux (Suse10.2), with JAL, GPASM, PIKLAB installed. I can't compile anything because what I seem to be missing I think is a 16F88.JAL file. I tried running inc2jal on a 16f88 inc file from this site ( but the conversion resulted in an almost empty file and I couldn't believe it was successful. I also need to know where to put the 16f88.jal and how to ensure the compiler picks it up.

I guess what I'm asking for is a leg up to a successful compile and a pointer to a good JAL reference manual (and the moon, while we're at it ;o)

Many thanks


ps. Please let me know if I need to post any more detail to get help.
I may have mislead. I meant JAL2.

I want a high level language and JAL2 is available on Linux and Pascal isn't. I prefer a GUI to command line, where the GUI usability has been considered and I'm more interested in the end goal of the project than learning assembler or C.

So, where can I get that 16f88.jal file then?

ps what other languages with a decent RAD environment are available for Linux?
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Did you ask on the JAL
list -yahoo?
**broken link removed**
fyi: Jalv2 releases are days/weeks old
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