Thank you for having a good sense of humor, and I agree about Washington D.C. (wink).
As bewildering as it might seem to a few of us who watch you take the long meandering route, as opposed to a more direct route, I don't think anyone can dispute that you always arrive at your destination with the results you were looking for. If you enjoyed the journey and accomplished your goals, what else matters? Right?
Thank you for having a good sense of humor, and I agree about Washington D.C. (wink).
As bewildering as it might seem to a few of us who watch you take the long meandering route, as opposed to a more direct route, I don't think anyone can dispute that you always arrive at your destination with the results you were looking for. If you enjoyed the journey and accomplished your goals, what else matters? Right?
i am also a avid MR DEB reader!! has to be said it is always a riveting read - and to be honest i can see why some get frustrated but you have to admire MR DEB'S single minded determination to do the thing come hell or high water!! full marks for not giving up and Burt i am gonna get you canonized by the pope! saint Burt of ETO lol well done to both.
And it would. In the latest code I see it could be almost a second before you leave RIDE and get back to the main button polling loop. In the original code it could have been almost twice that.
Did you try my suggestion? Polling the button press pins inside RIDE should get you back quite a bit faster.
Well I just got back from doing some minor repairs to our church.
When I have the monster running, durring the RIDE routine, then press a button, BAM the led flashes. then it goes into the turn routiine.
Can't tell if its one flash or two short flashes but it does flash upon pressing a button.
I have a video of it in action. Just need to upload. You can see the green LED flash for amusement purposes only. Just don't get to excited. I know saint Burt will ---lol
The button is really small but when I press it the RIDE sequence stops and it jumps to a turn routine. I don't think its two flashes?
Going to investigate if I can slow it down then see just where the routine stops in the middle or ?
In the for next loop of ride just test the buttons and exit. IF pressed and if the loop is 750mS your button test cold happen less then 100 mS which would be fine and no debounce needed.
If you really think about it ride should be the main loop, Then if you call the subs left right run that loop and test the button press each run of the for next loop which can be a fast test
Burt is entirely right. "RIDE" is the default state when the program is doing nothing else. "LEFT" and "RIGHT" are exceptions to the default state, initiated by a bottom press or head tip for whatever...who can keep track. Since it's always doing RIDE, put it in the main program loop.
But yes RIDE should be in the main loop. Here I inserted a CHECK SWITCH in the RIDE SUB (going to make RIDE in main loop instead of sub?
I slowed down the RIDE sub and now it stops and exits to what ever turn is wanted.
Now to mess up Tumbleweeds code. Don't worry I saved my Bowels of hell code under a different name.
Sub RIDE()
Dim index As Byte
Dim X As Byte
For index = 0 To Bound (Ride_Data)
DelayMS(500)//10 500us for constant on
X = Ride_Data(index)
LE = 0
ResetPin_R = 1 // disable OE RED
ResetPin_G = 1 // disable OE Green
If s1 = 0 Then // sw 1 closed
count = 0
End If
If s2 = 0 Then // sw 2 closed
count = 0
End If
Shift.Out(MSB_FIRST, X ,8)
LE = 1 //Latch data
PORTB = R_Rows(index)
DelayUS(200) //20 us
ResetPin_G = 0 // output LOW = ON HIGH = OFF
ResetPin_R = 1
LE = 0
End Sub
A tale of a faithful code, that set sail for a 12 page tour, a 12 page tour.
Well I changed things around, put the RIDE in the main loop then inserted a check switch routoines in between.
Slowed down the RIDE sequence and upon pressing a switch, BAM it immedieatly or there abouts, goes to a turn sequence.
This seems S M OO T H ER
THANKS to ST. Burts suggestion
* Author : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2012 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 11/28/2012 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* Notes : *
* : *
* Author : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* Notice : Copyright (c) 2012 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
* : All Rights Reserved *
* Date : 11/27/2012 *
* Version : 1.0 *
* Notes : tumbleweed code rev 2 *
* : *
Device = 18F2420
Clock = 20
// external xtal
Config OSC = HS
// uncomment next line to use internal osc
//Include "InternalOscillator.bas" // module sets Config OSC = INTIO7 for you
Include "shift.bas"
Include "utils.bas"
Include "convert.bas"
Dim DataPin As SDI
Dim ClockPin As CLK
Dim ResetPin_R As RED_OE
Dim ResetPin_G As GREEN_OE
// pushbutton switches inputs S1 and S2
Dim s1 As PORTA.2
Dim s2 As PORTA.3
Dim count As Byte
dim switch as byte
dim led as porta.0
Dim index As Byte
Dim X As Byte
Const Data(15)As Byte = (%00010001, %00001010 ,%00000100, %00010001, %00001010, %00000100,
%00010001, %000001010 ,%00000100, %000010001,%00001010, %00000100, %000010001,%00001010, %00000100)
Const Rows(15) As Byte =(%00000001, %000000010 ,%00000100, %000000010, %00000100, %00001000,
%00000100 ,%000001000 ,%00010000 ,%00001000,%00010000 ,%00100000, %00010000 ,%00100000, %01000000)
Const L_TRows(15) As Byte =( %01000000,%00100000,%00010000,%00100000,%000010000, %00001000,
%00010000, %00001000, %00000100 ,%00001000, %000000100,%00000010,%00000100, %000000010,%00000001)
Const Ride_Data(15)As Byte = (%00011111, %00000100 ,%00011111, %00000100, %00011111, %00000100,
%00011111, %00000100 ,%00011111, %00000100,%00011111, %00000100, %00011111,%00000100, %00011111)
Const R_Rows(15) As Byte =(%00001000, %011111111 ,%00001000, %011111111, %00001000, %01111111,
%00001000 ,%011111111 ,%00001000 ,%01111111,%00001000 ,%01111111, %00001000 ,%01111111, %00001000)
Dim index As Byte
Dim X As Byte
For index = 0 To Bound (Data)
DelayMS(10)//10 500us for constant on
X = Data(index)
LE = 0
ResetPin_R = 1 // disable OE RED
ResetPin_G = 1 // disable OE Green
Shift.Out(MSB_FIRST, X ,8)
LE = 1 //Latch data
PORTB = Rows(index)
DelayUS(20) //20 us
ResetPin_R = 0 // output LOW = ON HIGH = OFF
ResetPin_G = 1
LE = 0
End Sub
Sub LEFT()
Dim index As Byte
Dim X As Byte
For index = 0 To Bound (Data)
DelayMS(10)//10 500us for constant on
X = Data(index)
LE = 0 // move to top
ResetPin_R = 1 // disable OE RED
ResetPin_G = 1 // disable OE Green
Shift.Out(MSB_FIRST, X ,8)
LE = 1 //Latch data
PORTB = L_TRows(index) // display byte on matrix
DelayUS(20) //10 1 us for constant on
ResetPin_R = 0 // output LOW = ON HIGH = OFF
ResetPin_G = 1
End Sub
// start of main
High(ResetPin_R) // make output and set high
High(ResetPin_G) // make output and set high
Low(LE) // make output and set low
TRISB = %00000000 // make PORTB outputs
// make S1 and S2 switch inputs (assumes there are external pullups on the pins)
While true // durring RIDE the code jumps to here if switch = 1
// Dim index As Byte
// Dim X As Byte
For index = 0 To Bound (Ride_Data)
DelayMS(500)//10 500us for constant on
X = Ride_Data(index)
LE = 0
ResetPin_R = 1 // disable OE RED
ResetPin_G = 1 // disable OE Green
If s1 = 0 Then // sw 1 closed
count = 0
until count=10
End If
If s2 = 0 Then // sw 1 closed
count = 0
until count=10
End If
Shift.Out(MSB_FIRST, X ,8)
LE = 1 //Latch data
PORTB = R_Rows(index)
DelayUS(200) //20 us
ResetPin_G = 0 // output LOW = ON HIGH = OFF
ResetPin_R = 1
LE = 0
Burt is entirely right. "RIDE" is the default state when the program is doing nothing else. "LEFT" and "RIGHT" are exceptions to the default state, initiated by a bottom press or head tip for whatever...who can keep track. Since it's always doing RIDE, put it in the main program loop.
You know, I was just kind of thinking the same thing. Now that (I hope) I understand what he's trying to do I suspect a minor restructuring would probably solve a couple problems, including switch response, by simply building the main program loop around the switch code and using the switch "debounce" interval as the main loop timing interval.
What do you guys think of this loop model in pseudo C code (below)? I've taken a number of short-cuts, including connecting the driver IC <latch> and </oe> lines to a single I/O for both the green and red driver ICs.
If you don't understand the parallel switch state logic, just think of it as non-blocking multi-switch "black box" code that filters out all but a "new press" switch state change and uses it to emulate a "toggle" switch. That is, any "new press" will toggle a flag from either on-to-off or from off-to-on. In operation this means when you press the <left> turn signal switch, the left turn signal sequence continues indefinitely, until you press the <left> turn signal switch again. Of course using momentary contact push button switches to emulate toggle switches allows using an LED on the same I/O pin so you can have a visual "turn signal on" indicator right at each switch at practically no cost.
Could a structure change be beneficial?
Regards, Mike
while(1) //
{ delay_ms(25); // 25-ms 'debounce' interval
/* *
* K8LH parallel switch state logic (with "new press" filter) *
* *
* swnew ___---___---___---_____ invert active lo switches *
* swold ____---___---___---____ switch state latch *
* swnew ___-__-__-__-__-__-____ changes, press or release *
* swnew ___-_____-_____-_______ filter out 'release' bits *
* flags ___------______-------- toggle flag bits for main *
* */
swnew = ~porta; // sample active lo switches
swnew &= 0b00011000; // on the RA4..RA3 pins only
swnew ^= swold; // changes, press or release
swold ^= swnew; // update switch state latch
swnew &= swold; // filter out 'release' bits
flags ^= swnew; // toggle flag bits for main
if(swnew) // if any new press (toggle)
{ index = 0; // reset array index
} //
/* *
* refresh matrix display for "ride", "left", or "right" mode *
* */
if(!flags) // if no switches (ride mode)
{ if(index > bound(ride_data)) // if index overflow
index = 0; // reset index
shiftout(ride_data[index]); // send "ride" column SR data
redlat = 1; // red disp off & latch data
grnlat = 1; // grn disp off & latch data
portb = ride_rows[index++]; // portb = "ride" row data
grnlat = 0; // grn display on
} //
else // sw1 (right) or sw2 (left)
{ if(index > bound(turn_data)) // if index overflow
index = 0; // reset index
shiftout(turn_data[index]); // send "turn" column SR data
redlat = 1; // red disp off & latch data
grnlat = 1; // grn disp off & latch data
if(flags.3) // if sw1 (right) 'on'
portb = rt_rows[index++]; // portb = right row data
else // otherwise, sw2 (left) 'on'
portb = lt_rows[index++]; // portb = left row data
redlat = 0; // red display on
} //
} // end while(1){}
} // end main{}
That's to simple but its the right way to handle this after all you want turn signals on the whole time you turn and now all we need is a way to flip the handle back when where going strait.
It went down with the Titanic --lol
Am connecting up the encoder/dcecoder chips with their respective RX/TX modules.Need to insert a voltage reg as well. In between sessions(get frustrated) I tinker with a project that Brads projects has (I received boards but can't get the PICKIT2 to recognize the PIC.)
Having to recheck all my connections as the PICKIT2 keeps saying ALL PROTECT or CODE PROTECT?The PIC is a 16F677