There's a good chance that's a 10MHz xtal, so try this:Looking at the crystal, the top has a marking that says "10,000N"
device = 18F43K22
clock = 10
config FOSC = HSMP // HS oscillator (medium power 4-16 MHz)
config PLLCFG = OFF // Oscillator used directly
config PRICLKEN = ON // Primary clock is always enabled
config FCMEN = OFF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
config IESO = OFF // Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
config PWRTEN = ON // Power up timer enabled
config BOREN = ON // Brown-out Reset enabled and controlled by software (SBOREN is enabled)
config BORV = 285 // VBOR set to 2.85 V nominal
config WDTEN = OFF // Watch dog timer is always disabled. SWDTEN has no effect
config WDTPS = 128 // 1:128
config CCP2MX = PORTC1 // CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RC1
config PBADEN = OFF // PORTB<5:0> pins are configured as digital I/O on Reset
config CCP3MX = PORTB5 // P3A/CCP3 input/output is multiplexed with RB5
config HFOFST = ON // HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
config T3CMX = PORTC0 // T3CKI is on RC0
config P2BMX = PORTD2 // P2B is on RD2
config MCLRE = EXTMCLR // MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
config STVREN = ON // Stack full/underflow will cause Reset
config LVP = ON // Single-Supply ICSP enabled if MCLRE is also 1
config XINST = OFF // Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
config DEBUG = OFF // Disabled
config CP0 = OFF // Block 0 (000200-000FFFh) not code-protected
config CP1 = OFF // Block 1 (001000-001FFFh) not code-protected
config CPB = OFF // Boot block (000000-0001FFh) not code-protected
config CPD = OFF // Data EEPROM not code-protected
config WRT0 = OFF // Block 0 (000200-000FFFh) not write-protected
config WRT1 = OFF // Block 1 (001000-001FFFh) not write-protected
config WRTC = OFF // Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
config WRTB = OFF // Boot Block (000000-0001FFh) not write-protected
config WRTD = OFF // Data EEPROM not write-protected
config EBTR0 = OFF // Block 0 (000200-000FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
config EBTR1 = OFF // Block 1 (001000-001FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
config EBTRB = OFF // Boot Block (000000-0001FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
// for setalldigital
Include "setdigitalio.bas"
// some LCD options...
#option LCD_DATA = PORTD.4
#option LCD_RS = PORTD.2
#option LCD_EN = PORTD.3
Include "lcd.bas"
Include "convert.bas"
//testing for input
Dim sw1 As PORTC.4
Dim sw2 As PORTC.6
Dim led1 As PORTC.0
Dim led2 As PORTC.1
Dim Int_Counter As Word
Dim update As Boolean
Dim secs,mins,hrs As Byte
// TMR2 setup for 1ms ticks
const TICKS_PER_SEC = 1000
dim TMR2_IF as PIR1.1
dim TMR2_IE as PIE1.1
Interrupt RTC()
If Int_Counter = 0 Then
Int_Counter = TICKS_PER_SEC ' each interrupt = 1ms x 1000 int's = 1 second
update = true ' update LCD output
End If
TMR2_IF = 0 ' clear interrupt flag
End Interrupt
Sub Clock24()
Dim clk As String
If secs >= 60 Then ' check each tally for rollover
secs = 0
If mins >= 60 Then
mins = 0
If hrs >= 24 Then
hrs = 0
End If
End If
End If
//routine for settime current time
If sw1 = 0 Then //advance hrs by 1
hrs = hrs + 1
End If
If sw2 = 0 Then //advance mins by 5
mins = mins + 5
End If
clk = DecToStr(hrs,2) ' output to LCD
clk = DecToStr(mins,2)
clk = DecToStr(secs,2)
update = false
End Sub
Sub Initialize()
secs = 0
mins = 0
hrs = 0
Int_Counter = TICKS_PER_SEC
update = false
LCD.Write("24-HOUR CLOCK")
' Timer2 Registers:
TMR2 = 0
' Prescaler=1:1; TMR2 PostScaler=1:10; PR2=249 - Freq = 1.00kHz - Period = 1,000,000 ns (1ms)
PR2 = 249 ' PR2 (Timer2 Match value)(1 cycle adjusted)
'T2CON | = 72 ' bits 6-3 Post scaler 1:1 thru 1:16
'T2CON.TMR2ON = 1 ' Timer2 on bit: 1=Timer2 is on;
'T2CON.T2CKPS1 = 0 ' bits 1-0 Prescaler Rate Select bits
'T2CON.T2CKPS0 = 0
T2CON = %01001100
TMR2_IF = 0 ' clear TMR2 interrupt flag
TMR2_IE = 1 ' enable TMR2 interrupt
Enable(RTC) ' enable jump to RTC ISR
End Sub
// main code
Input (sw1)
Output (led1)
While true
If update Then
Clock24() ' update 24H Clock output
End If
End while
That's like saying my car is running 4-6 miles per hour faster!!using the code in post #13 it appears the pic clock is running 4-6 minutes faster than the clock on the computer
Did you change the code to account for 20Mhz?I located a 20mhz crystal, swaped out the 10mhz crystal and now the LCD only displays a bunch of black boxes.
Need to recheckcircuit etc.
About a week ago I unplugged My LCD same code worked before I unplugged it.
In my case I got nice white boxes. I picked up my screwdriver and changed the pot settings.
Bang the LCD displayed my ADC readings.
If your code worked one time Id be looking at your wiring
My problem was the power supply it was 5.22 volts
I used a different one that was less 4.89 volts so a change in the contrasted voltage was need .
Device = 18F43K22
Clock = 8
// int osc and IO pin libraries
Include "intosc.bas"
#option DIGITALIO_INIT = true // automatically call setalldigital
Include "setdigitalio.bas"
// some LCD options...
#option LCD_DATA = PORTD.4
#option LCD_RS = PORTD.2
#option LCD_EN = PORTD.3
Include "lcd.bas"
Include "convert.bas"
For One Second Update:
8MHz Fosc = 2MHz internal clock = 0.5us per cycle (timer count)
Use 8-bit Timer2, No Prescaler
Set PR2 = 250; Timer2 resets on match every 250 counts = 125us
Each Timer2 reset requires 1 cycle compensation... so set PR2 = 249
8000 interrupts x 125us each = 1 second
Dim SW1 As PORTC.0
Dim SW2 As PORTC.2
Dim Int_Counter As Word
Dim update As Boolean
Dim secs,mins,hrs As Byte
Interrupt RTC()
If Int_Counter = 0 Then
Int_Counter = 8000 ' each interrupt = 125us x 8000 int's = 1 second
update = true ' update LCD output
End If
PIR1.1 = 0 ' clear interrupt flag
End Interrupt
Sub Clock24()
Dim clk As String
If secs = 60 Then ' check each tally for rollover
secs = 0
If mins = 60 Then
mins = 0
If hrs = 24 Then
hrs = 0
End If
End If
End If
//routine for settime current time
If SW1 = 0 Then //advance hrs by 1
hrs = hrs + 1
End If
If SW2 = 0 Then //advance mins by 5
mins = mins + 5
End If
clk = DecToStr(hrs,2) ' output to LCD
clk = DecToStr(mins,2)
clk = DecToStr(secs,2)
update = false
End Sub
Sub Initialize()
ADCON1 = 15
secs = 0
mins = 0
hrs = 0
Int_Counter = 8000
update = false
LCD.Write("24-HOUR CLOCK")
INTCON = 192 ' enable GIE & PEIE
T2CON = 0 ' no prescaler or postscaler: timer2 OFF
TMR2 = 0 ' clear TMR2
PR2 = 249 ' set match value
PIE1.1 = 1 ' enable interrupt
PIR1.1 = 0 ' clear interrupt flag
T2CON.2 = 1 ' Timer2 ON
Enable(RTC) ' enable jump to RTC ISR
End Sub
Input (SW1)
Input (SW2)
While 1=1
If update = true Then
Clock24() ' update 24H Clock output
End If
Sub Clock24()
Dim clk As String
mints = mins
If secs >= 60 Then ' check each tally for rollover
secs = 0
// case 1 - 9 = minute 1 to 9
Select mins //select which blue led is on
Case 1 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_1 = 1 //#16 led = minute 1
Case 2 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_2 = 1 Row_1 = 0 //#15LED = 1
Case 3 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_3 = 1 Row_2 = 0 //#14lED
Case 4 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_4 = 1 Row_3 = 0 //#13LED
Case 5 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_5 = 1 Row_4 = 0 //#12LED
Case 6 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_6 = 1 Row_5 = 0 //#11LED
Case 7 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_7 = 1 Row_6 = 0 //#10LED
Case 8 COLUM_2 = 1 Row_8 = 1 Row_7 = 0 //#9LED
case 9 colum_2 = 1 row_9 = 1 Row_8 = 0 //#8 led
//minutes 9 - 19
Case 10 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_3 = 1 colum_2 = 0 //#7led turn off colum_2
Case 11 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_4 = 1 Row_3 = 0 //#6LED = 1
Case 12 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_5 = 1 Row_4 = 0 //#5LED
Case 13 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_6 = 1 Row_5 = 0 //#4LED
Case 14 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_7 = 1 Row_6 = 0 //#3LED
Case 15 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_8 = 1 Row_7 = 0 //#2LED
Case 16 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_9 = 1 Row_8 = 0 //#1LED
Case 17 COLUM_1 = 1 Row_10 = 1 Row_9 = 0 //#60LED
case 18 colum_1 = 1 row_1 = 1 Row_10= 0 //#59led
case 19 colum_1 = 1 row_2 = 1 Row_1 = 0 //#58led
//minutes 21 - 30
Case 20 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_1 = 1 colum_1 = 0 //#57led turn off colum_1
Case 21 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_2 = 1 Row_1 = 0 //#56LED = 1
Case 22 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_3 = 1 Row_2 = 0 //#55LED
Case 23 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_4 = 1 Row_3 = 0 //#54LED
Case 24 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_5 = 1 Row_4 = 0 //#53LED
Case 25 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_6 = 1 Row_5 = 0 //#52ED
Case 26 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_7 = 1 Row_6 = 0 //#51LED
Case 27 COLUM_5 = 1 Row_8 = 1 Row_7 = 0 //#50LED
case 28 colum_5 = 1 row_9 = 1 Row_8 = 0 //#49led
case 29 colum_5 = 1 row_10 = 1 Row_9 = 0 //#48led
// minutes 31 - 40
Case 30 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_1 = 1 colum_5 = 0 //#47led turn off colu_5
Case 31 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_2 = 1 Row_1 = 0 //#46LED = 1
Case 32 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_3 = 1 Row_2 = 0 //#45LED
Case 33 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_4 = 1 Row_3 = 0 //#44LED
Case 34 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_5 = 1 Row_4 = 0 //#43LED
Case 35 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_6 = 1 Row_5 = 0 //#42LED
Case 36 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_7 = 1 Row_6 = 0 //#41LED
Case 37 COLUM_3 = 1 Row_8 = 1 Row_7 = 0 //#40LED
case 38 colum_3 = 1 row_9 = 1 Row_8 = 0 //#39led
case 39 colum_3 = 1 row_10 = 1 Row_9 = 0 //#38led
//minutes 41 - 50
Case 40 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_1 = 1 colum_3 = 0 //#37led
Case 41 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_2 = 1 Row_1 = 0 //#36LED = 1
Case 42 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_3 = 1 Row_2 = 0 //#35LED
Case 43 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_4 = 1 Row_3 = 0 //#34LED
Case 44 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_5 = 1 Row_4 = 0 //#33LED
Case 45 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_6 = 1 Row_5 = 0 //#32LED
Case 46 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_7 = 1 Row_6 = 0 //#31LED
Case 47 COLUM_6 = 1 Row_8 = 1 Row_7 = 0 //#30LED
case 48 colum_6 = 1 row_9 = 1 Row_8 = 0 //#29led
case 49 colum_6 = 1 row_10 = 1 Row_9 = 0 //#28led
//minutes 51 - 60
Case 50 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_1 = 1 colum_6 = 0 //#27led
Case 51 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_2 = 1 Row_1 = 0 //#26LED = 1
Case 52 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_3 = 1 Row_2 = 0 //#25LED
Case 53 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_4 = 1 Row_3 = 0 //#24LED
Case 54 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_5 = 1 Row_4 = 0 //#23LED
Case 55 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_6 = 1 Row_5 = 0 //#22LED
Case 56 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_7 = 1 Row_6 = 0 //#21LED
Case 57 COLUM_4 = 1 Row_8 = 1 Row_7 = 0 //#20LED
case 58 colum_4 = 1 row_9 = 1 Row_8 = 0 //#19led
case 59 colum_4 = 1 row_10 = 1 Row_9 = 0 //#18led
case 60 colum_2 = 1 row_10 = 1 colum_4 = 0 //#17 led
If mins >= 60 Then
mins = 0
If hrs = 24 Then
hrs = 0
End If
End If
select hours
case 1 green_1 = 1 g_4 = 1 //12 o clk led
case 2 green_1 = 1 g_3 = 1 g_4 = 0 //1 o clk
case 3 green_1 = 1 g_2 = 1 g_3 = 0 //2 o clk
case 4 green_1 = 1 g_1 = 1 g_2 = 0 //3 o clk
case 5 green_2 = 1 g_2 = 1 green_1 = 0 //4 o clk
case 6 green_2 = 1 g_1 = 1 g_2 = 0 //5 o clk
case 7 green_2 = 1 g_3 = 1 g_1 = 0 //6 o clk
case 7 green_2 = 1 g_4 = 1 g_3 = 0 //7 o clk
case 8 green_2 = 1 g_5 = 1 g_4 = 0 //8 o clk
case 9 green_2 = 1 g_6 = 1 g_5 = 0 //9 o clk
case 10 green_1 = 1 g_6 = 1 g_4 = 0 green_2 = 0 //10 o clk
case 11 green_1 = 1 g_5 = 1 g_6 = 0 //11 o clk
end select
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