programming code for sending and receiving file using huperterminal

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hi, i need a C language programming code for send text file and receive text file using hyper terminal. i am using pic16f877a and rf transceiver. i couldnt find any related code. all i found are only sending character or string. please help me as soon as possible. urgent.....
RF transmission


What RF module are you using? You will need to use Manchester coding for RF so have a look here. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. If you use MicroC form Mikrotronica they have a Manchester library.

Happy coding!
i am using RF transmitter 315MHz and RF receiver 315MHz. i had read through the given link but i have no idea how to apply it in C language. can u give me some example ? i have never done any programming for sending text file and use pins Tx and Rx. i only did some simple programming for controlling motor. hope u can help me. thanks
C Examples

Have a look here
Also have a look at the attached


  • Manchester_encoding_using_RS232.pdf
    111.8 KB · Views: 2,388
Last edited:
heh not my post but thanks for that link it really simplified the Manchester stuff. I think i understand it about 90% now
thank you gaspode42. Give me sometime to read and understand. i will be back if got any doubt. thanks
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