Kids, and now adults for some specific quick turn projects, are using a
visual approach called block language programming. This is where you
drag and drop function blocks, like
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The above is a very simple application, read a voltage and set a PWM duty cycle, its pulse width,
proportional to that voltage. Here its trivial to do, the blocks are dragged out of the 2'ond window
from left, and placed in 3'rd window, and configured, like pin number to read, pin number to output
PWM signal on. As you do this mBlock, this particular program, converts the block configuration into
Arduino code (C like code) and programs it. Thats the code you see in right hand window. Kids are using
this in 6'th grades to program robots and their movement. I use it to do fast turn around of simple stuff,
like below link. More complex stuff I do in C.
Often users, developers, hobbyists need timed and qualified event generators, many resorting to 555 timers and the like. The venerable 555 has had a long run but its limited in accuracy and capability. This approach uses block language to create...
Here is what would have been fairly involved project, to do wireless application, done in Tuniot -
Had a problem where I need low cost Network, internet access, at a remote site. Choose to work with Verizon 8800L as it got good reviews for normal attended usage. Motivation was Cell internet only added < $ 20 to the monthly bill. Problems ...
If you learn one block language there are quite a few variants, and its easy to do the other variants
because all the principals pretty much the same. mBlock, Snap4Arduino, Scratch, Visuino, Ardublock,
Then there are visual ones that do it like flow charts, Nodered, flowcode, in a flow chart format.
C code is called, rightfully so, a "strongly typed language". It means its not forgiving in the way
you type the instructions and code, how you use variables, etc.. So learning curve if you have never
programmed a tad steep, as is Assembler, appropriately called machine language, where you are
deep in the processor logic and its hardware.
But all people who have used a 4 function calculator have been programming most of their lives.
But the programming done in ones head, eg. the sequence of math operations, the type of operations,
all done typically in our Gerbil brain pans.
If you start with mBlock or Snap4Arduino, software is free, a low end but capable board ~ $3, Arduino
Nano, and a USB cable will get you started.
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Regards, Dana.