programming for PIC 16F627p

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New Member
hi guys...
really need help from all of u...i am in progress making line follower robot for my final project.but the major obstacle that i had is how to program PIC troubled me a lot...
Check my tutorials, which are based mostly on the 16F628 - the 2K version of the 627.
but i can't install the software because it say "The program can't start because DLPortIO.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"...
how i want to overcome this matter?
but i can't install the software because it say "The program can't start because DLPortIO.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"...
how i want to overcome this matter?

My programmer software is nothing to do with the tutorials, click on the link for PIC tutorials.
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