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New Member
At the momnet i cant programme for toffee, can any one help with the following or point me to a web site with an idiots guide.?

Project as follows
12v and 5 v circuit
4mhz ex clock

i need a programme to do the following

initiate process buy a momontary switch

next it will have to check three switches before system can activate a relay

at the same time as the relay is activated i am looking for a buzzer and led to be used for visual and audable indication of process working.

and last but not least i need to be able to stop process at anytime by the switch that started process

i can build circuit around the pic...

if anyone can help i would be thankfull..

thank you for your time and help

James fraser
Did you read the Sticky? "Read this!" in my signature has valuable info for you. Nigel Goodwin's tuttorials should help you to start.
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