Programming PIC16F877 to control stepper motor

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New Member
Hi there, Im new to this whole microcontroller thing. Im doing a personal project in which I want to control a stepper motor. I have an Atmel At89 ISP Cable, A PIC16F877 MC, several stepper motor drivers but i would like to use the ULN2003AN ( cause i saw a diagram online in which a PIC16f877 and ULN2003an is im using that ). i also have the following stepper Motor drivers: UC3717AN, UC3770AN, UC3770BN, and TPIC2701 IC.
my questions are:
1) can i program the PIC16 MC using the Atmel At89ISP cable? or do i need to get an Atmel MC?
2) if i DO need to get an Atmel MC, which one should i get, given Im a rookie and im not doing anything complicated but programing a stepper motor.
3) is there anywhere online or maybe someone already has done it (im sure) a detailed diagram as to how to put these things together, step by step.
step 1: how to connect the MC to PC (pin by pin)
step 2: how to program MC
step 3: how to connect the MC and driver togather ( i think i got that step)
step 4: how to connect the stepper motor to the driver.
so farI have figured out the coils and centre taps of the stepper motor, have downloaded the Atmel software. Have a vague idea about the programing. but i dont know which cable pin goes to which pin of the MC? and even though i have read the data sheet of both the MC and driver im still confused. I have attached a diagram (i got it from the web, so im not taking credit for it) which makes some sort of sense but still doesnt explain how i should connect the MC to the PC to program it. I have even downloaded Proteus Pro and am trying to understand it. I know some of you might say "just buy a MC programmer or stepper motor programer but i would like to do it all and learn it. thanks in advance for the help. and sorry for a long post.


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